Analyze the popularity of various TV shows by season and episode — with AnyChart's Gantt charts for Qlik Sense and the feature of multiple milestones in a single line.
Compare viewership on a per-episode basis and identify the most and least viewed episodes. Examine the first and last episodes. Get an overview of all seasons with color-coded bars based on the number of views.
Check out how AnyChart's Gantt charts with multiple milestones work and how they can help you explore TV show popularity or any other data with the same or similar structure and purpose.
Anyone who wants to analyze the popularity of TV shows and see an example of a Gantt chart with multiple milestones in Qlik Sense in action.
Data and advanced analytics
This application features Gantt charts built with AnyChart's extension for Qlik Sense. The data is taken from Bill Cruise’s datasets on Kaggle.