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Some distribution tasks not starting with 'error (413) Request Entity Too Large' in QlikView Management Service Log

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Some distribution tasks not starting with 'error (413) Request Entity Too Large' in QlikView Management Service Log

Last Update:

May 12, 2021 3:32:31 PM

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Created date:

Mar 21, 2017 8:43:45 AM

A QlikView environment with a large number of tasks may experience tasks not triggering.

If the QlikView Management Server logs show the following error(s), apply the steps as seen below:

Information    Failed to send message to execution service. Message is removed from queue. Error details : (if (workorderResult.QDSeRotateResult) - SendSaveAllTasks) Failed to contact distributionservice at QDS SERVER, ChunkErr=QDS did not respond to request.
Last exception (for QDS SERVER): The remote server returned an unexpected response: (413) Request Entity Too Large. Message type: SaveAllTasks MessageParameter: 

Information    Failed to send message to distribution services. The message is removed from the queue. Error details: "(if (workorderresult.ODSeRotateResult) - SendSaveAllTasks) Failed to contact distributionservice at http://<servername>:4710/QDS/Service, chunkErr=QDS did not respond to request.Last exception (for http://<servername>:4710/QDS/Service): The remote server returned an unexpected response: (413) Request Entity Too Large." Message Type: "SaveAllTasks" Message Parameter: ""


The Distribution Service's RootLog.txt and DistributionReport.xml may register the following error:

Last exception (for http://<servername>:4730/DSC/Service): The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (262144) has been exceeded. To increase the quota, use the MaxReceivedMessageSize property on the appropriate binding element. ---> System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (262144) has been exceeded. To increase the quota, use the MaxReceivedMessageSize property on the appropriate binding element. ---> System.ServiceModel.QuotaExceededException: The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (262144) has been exceeded. To increase the quota, use the MaxReceivedMessageSize property on the appropriate binding element. 




The QlikView Distribution service actively rejected the full list of tasks being sent by the QlikView Management service. When this happens, the Distribution Service no longer has the full list of tasks. In the event a QlikView Distribution service is asked to trigger a task that is not in its workorder list, it will not be able to start the task.



1. Modify the following line in the QVManagementService.exe.config file (default location: C:\Program Files\QlikView\Management Service)

Old value:

<add key="MaxReceivedMessageSize" value="262144"/>

New value:

<add key="MaxReceivedMessageSize" value="X"/>

Where X is a factor of the default 262144, generally a factor of 4 or 8 times the original should work. Zeros can also be added to the value gradually. (e.g. 26214400)

2. Should the above setting not be sufficient, one additional setting may need to be changed.

Modify the following line in the QVManagementService.exe.config file (default location: C:\Program Files\QlikView\Management Service)

Old value:

<add key="QMSChunkSize" value="100"/>

New Value:

<add key="QMSChunkSize" value="X"/>

Where X is a number less than 100, some trial and error will be required to find the exact setting, but generally dropping to 50 and then working up or down from there should get to a good number, be sure to allow for future growth in tasks as well.  This controls how many tasks are sent each round of communication between the QMS and QDS services.

By following the above steps, the maximum allowed message size is being increased and the number of tasks being sent in a single data packet to each QlikView Distribution Service by the QlikView Management Service is being reduced as well.  There is an approximate 20 second timeout for the QlikView Management Service to complete the transfer of the task information to the QlikView Distribution Service as well.  

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Version history
Last update:
‎2021-05-12 03:32 PM
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