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QlikView Tasks status in the Management Console: Unrunnable

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QlikView Tasks status in the Management Console: Unrunnable

Last Update:

May 12, 2021 2:51:38 PM

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Created date:

Nov 17, 2017 7:29:23 AM

QlikView tasks can be shown as "unrunnable" in the QlikView Management Console overview, and the Publisher status may read "Cluster Down".


QlikView all versions



The Management Service and Distribution Service may not be in sync due to communication timeouts. 



Resolution is to improve communication between the two services which is likely environmental. 

As a possible workaround, setting ForceReadNotificationMilliseconds will force more frequent communication attempts. See The QlikView Management Console displays “Cluster down” and the status of all tasks is listed as “Un... for another possible variations of the issue and additional solutions. 



Modify the QVDistributionService.exe.config and force the Management Service and Distribution Service to communicate more often.

  • The file is located in: C:\Program Files\QlikView\Distribution Service
  • Locate: 
    <add key="ForceReadNotificationMilliseconds" value="20000"/>
  • Lower the value.
  • If the line does not exist, add it below the section below:

 <!-- ************ QlikView Engine and Distribution Settings ************ -->



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Version history
Last update:
‎2021-05-12 02:51 PM
Updated by: