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I 'd like to thank avinashelite for sharing the method to load the multiple excel files with the multiple sheets. You can find the article at the link below.
Loading Multiple Excel Sheets Dynamically along with file name and sheet name
Unfortunately, this method has some limitations. It only works when all files have the same number of non-blank sheets, and all sheets must have the same number of columns with identical names.
I’d like to share a method below that works effectively without these restrictions
1) Define some variables to automate process.
/* Change the below variable with actual folder path */
LET vExcelFilePath = '..\Files'; // Root folder path on which all the excel files are stored. It might contain sub folders as well.
LET vFileExtension = 'xlsx';
LET vQVDFilePath='..\QVD'; // Path on which a QVD is stored which contains data from all the excel files
LET vQVDName ='Sales_data'; // Name of a physically stored QVD File
2) Define function to get the list of all the files located inside the folder. It also scans sub folders inside the parent folder.
/* Below subroutine is created to get the lis of excel files stored in specific folder and sub folder within that */
sub ScanFolder(Root)
for each vFile in filelist( Root & '\*.' & vFileExtension)
LOAD '$(vFile)' as Files
AutoGenerate 1;
next vFile
for each SubDirectory in dirlist( Root & '\*' )
call ScanFolder(SubDirectory)
next SubDirectory
end sub
Call ScanFolder('$(vExcelFilePath)') ;
let vFile = Null();
3) Define a function to loop through the list of Excel files generated by the previous function. Let’s take a look at the connection string below. I’ve used CONNECT64 because I’m working with a 64-bit ODBC driver and Excel application. If you’re using 32-bit ODBC drivers and Excel, you may need to use CONNECT32 instead. The 'Excel Files' DSN is created on the machine using either 64-bit or 32-bit ODBC drivers. Typically, when Office drivers are installed, the 'Excel Files' DSN is created automatically, but in some cases, it may need to be created manually. If your DSN name differs, be sure to update it in the connection string below."
ODBC CONNECT64 TO [Excel Files;DBQ=$(vFile)];
/* Below subroutine is created to load all the excel file and store it into the QVD. */
SUB load_all_excel_files_and_store_in_qvd(LoadData)
FOR EACH vFile IN FieldValueList('Files');
ODBC CONNECT64 TO [Excel Files;DBQ=$(vFile)];
junk ];
FOR i = 0 TO NOOFROWS('Temp')-1
LET vSheetName = PURGECHAR(PURGECHAR(PEEK('TABLE_NAME', i, 'Temp'), CHR(39)), CHR(36));
Set ErrorMode=0; // Disable error mode to avoid error while loading blank sheet
SubField('$(vFile)','\',-1) AS FileName,
'$(vSheetName)' AS Sheet_name
FROM $(vFile)(ooxml, embedded labels, table is [$(vSheetName)]);
if len(FieldName(FieldNumber('A','Data'),'A'))>0 THEN
Drop Field A; // When there is a blank sheet in the excel file, field A is created which we don't want
Set ErrorMode=1;
let vFile = NULL();
if NoOfRows('$(vTableName)')>0 THEN
STORE [$(vTableName)] into $(vQVDFilePath)\$(vQVDName).qvd(qvd); // store into the QVD file
TRACE "Data is not available";
CALL load_all_excel_files_and_store_in_qvd(LoadData);
DROP Table FileList;
Note: This Script is best suited for QlikView
Please feel free to offer any suggestions to improve this document.
Thanks & Regards,
Kushal Chawda
Works like a charm!! Great work with it...
note: on my machine I had to update the script connection string to CONNECT64 for it to work.
Hi Kush, Great work, but when i executing this script I am getting the "script Line erro" after this error script get executed sucessfully but why this script line error. Can you please help me out?
How you are executing the script? On which excel files you are executing this script?
I am using the same attached data and changed the path of the excels and QVD's in the script apart from this I have nothing changed in the script.
Can you post the application with path changes you have done. If you are using the same attached data and application it should work.
This is really a nice solution what would help me a lot. But
I have excel files with some hidden sheets inside (that happens while the source system generate and save the datas).
How can I use this code but ignore hidden sheets? Any ideas?
Have you tried loading the excel with hidden sheets? I have not considered this while developed the code. I will check and will get back to you on this
thanks so much for this super useful info at the beginning of the year!!
Good job,
but what if there's a print area (_xlnm#Print_Area' ) on a worksheet ?