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QlikView App: Split Values from a String and ApplyMap to Results

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QlikView App: Split Values from a String and ApplyMap to Results

Last Update:

May 29, 2013 6:59:04 PM

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Created date:

May 29, 2013 6:59:04 PM


This example shows how data for multiple values contained in a single string can be split up and manipulated to make it easier to analyse.

Often the data coming from source tables is not in a structure that makes it conducive for charting or reporting on.  Various techniques can be employed to sort this out in the load script - making the display of objects in your apps as quick as possible.  The load script in this example splits up values in a data string, converts an id to a string with an ApplyMap and puts it into a simpler table with a CrossTable load.

The QlikView was originally written as a response to the following QlikCommunity thread:

Steve Dark

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Version history
Last update:
‎2013-05-29 06:59 PM
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