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Partner - Contributor II

Qlik Cloud backup options - best way?

Hello all,

I know that there are several similiar topics, but too specific with no big picture included 🙂 I wanted to summarize here and verify with you all possible backup options of Qlik Cloud platform. As far as I know there is no native backup from Qlik side and once someone will remove space/app/qaa/datafile/dc by accident, there is no way how to restore it using Qlik support (there is probably some, but not official and if so I suppose it will be extra paid service).

I have several options on my mind and I would like to hear your opinion or experience so far:

  1. Manually and regurarly download content (non sense, too much work)
  2. Use Qlik CLI to export all apps as json files + folders as space + other objects as json? 
  3. Use QAA and backup apps to Github as json files + folders as spaces + others if possible? (some version here)
    1. Not ideal case for Github version control logic
  4. Use some paid external 3rd party tools (products from Motio etc.)

But what I miss in all mentioned solution is to be able to save also configuration of following items (not only apps):

  • spaces - members + permissions
  • datafiles - reside in spaces
  • data connections - reside in spaces
  • QAA's - reside in personal space

As there is API utilization possibility within QAA/Qlik CLI there is a chance to cover this portfolio at least partially, but not all mentioned areas can be covered as endpoints are limited and does not contain the content itself, just some metadata of items.

Any idea how to make backups with as much items as possible with reasonable solution?



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  • Cloud

4 Replies

To address QAA, you can manually export automations to a JSON file: Go to the automation editor, right-click in the blank canvas, and click "Download workspace".

To offer an opinion, and in the spirit of making data available to everyone, each app developer would be wise to download their own app .qvf files to a local personal backup if they have invested significant time on them, and if this is appropriate. This could save admin work, or be very helpful if an app is accidentally deleted. However, keep in mind that part of the concept of Cloud SaaS is that tenant backup and disaster recovery is managed by Qlik and the system.


There are some partners who offer solutions. In my Dork Cast 30 I do a deep dive with the team from Stretch Connect to talk about their Qloud Cover solution which indeed does backup spaces, data files, automations, connections, extensions etc. They've got you covered.


Partner - Contributor III

Thank you for highlighting Qloud Cover, Dalton. Great video on his podcast for anyone interested!

To get in touch and setting up a free trial of Qloud Cover Backup, please go to: Qloud Cover Backup

Partner Ambassador

Hello, this is indeed an interesting topic. A full tenant backup, snapshot, is what is required, then full restores can be made at a point in time, along with other instances. Whilst this has always been a thing for on-premise solutions, is it actually not-so much of a thing for Cloud tenants. If Qlik is mission-mission critical from an availability perspective then you should ideally have two tenants, mirrored in different regions from the get go (this also has a level of risk-as issues will replicate). If only mission-critical then having the ability to rollback to a 'snapshot' of a point in time is needed. Motio and Stretch can help you with this. As can our own solutions Harmony (Manage) and Symphony (Orchestrate). What is important is to understand the risks that you are looking to mitigate and how you can manage them.

I have a background in advising on mission critical solution architecture design for real-time ERP solutions and it always astounds me how little is understood on this subject. Probably rightly so, because we should be able to trust vendors, such as Qlik. But that is irresponsible. Let's be clear You are responsible for your organisational risks and mitigating them. Your organisation will have policies on this subject, and you need to adhere to them. We as partners can only advise and support you to comply.

Simply, Qlik Cloud is provisioned and offers platform resilience. All your content and configuration is your responsibility to architect from a HA and DR perspective. Since many customers will have migrated from cloud hosted on-premise solutions where backups were simply a single mouse click away, we need to recognise that we no longer control this process nor can we recover a single Tenant independently (I am not even sure Qlik can, nor offers the ability to do so).

The solution is to make Qlik Cloud an endpoint and not the centre of your architecture. Ensure that all config and content is documented and stored remotely before deploying to Qlik Cloud, and you are golden. it sounds simple, but it requires planning and new processes being applied.

Then, at any time you can replace any component from "store" to recover an issues on the tenant itself.

One of the reasons that we built Harmony for Qlik and also Symphony for Qlik is to enable the automated processing of tenant management and management between multiple Qlik instances (as endpoints). For example Symphony can orchestrate app copy between on prem and cloud, between cloud, from storage to cloud etc. All based on triggers from systems that may be outside of Qlik, e.g. Snowflake. 

Large Qlik customers do all this today with Qlik Engineers that use PowerShell, Python, and other tools to service their estates. The issue that I have with this is transparency; visibility of what is actually happening, as there is no central hub. Symphony for Qlik gives you this, and all processes can be observed as they occur to create your enterprise Qlik observability management solution. Which also provides automated approvals for real time system administration. Demoed during 2024 at events, via mobile using WhatsApp no less.

I hope this gives some insight into how important a responsibility it is that you own your Qlik Tenant and managing control and risk should be a high priority. All technology has risk and requires process controls to be in place. For Qlik to be an enterprise solution we need to architect it as we would any other business critical platform.