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Swap a file path for a variable


vTempFolder = C:\Geral\tmp\TEST.pdf
I need to change the path to a variable
objEmail.AddAttachment "C:\Geral\tmp\Numero.pdf"

Something like this
objEmail.AddAttachment  =  vTempFolder


sub PrintReport
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
fln = "C:\Geral\tmp\myreport.pdf"
RegKey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\QlikViewPDF\"
WSHShell.RegWrite RegKey & "BypassSaveAs", 1
WSHShell.RegWrite RegKey & "OutputFile", fln
ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 2000
WSHShell.RegWrite RegKey & "BypassSaveAs", 0
WSHShell.RegWrite RegKey & "OutputFile", ""
Set WSHShell = nothing
end sub
function GetVariable(varName)
        Dim v
        set v = ActiveDocument.Variables(varName)
        GetVariable = v.GetContent.String
end function
Sub ExecMacro()
       ' ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Close        
End Sub
Sub Envio()
        'Aqui apaga se tiver os arquivos.....
        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If filesys.FileExists("C:\Geral\tmp\Numero.pdf") then
filesys.DeleteFile "C:\Geral\tmp\Numero.pdf"
End If
        ' Aqui roda o relatorio ID   RP01
ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 2000
Set filesys = Nothing
        ActiveDocument.PrintDocReport "RP01", "RP01"   
ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 5000
' Aqui se existe o PDF, entao renomeia ele.......
        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If filesys.FileExists("C:\Geral\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf") then
   filesys.MoveFile "C:\Geral\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf", "C:\Geral\tmp\Numero.pdf"
End If
Set filesys = Nothing
ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 5000
  SMTPServer =  ""
SMTPUser =   ""
SMTPpPWD =    "***"
SMTPPorta =   "465"
Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set objConf = objEmail.Configuration
Set objFlds = objConf.Fields
With objFlds
if len(SMTPServer) > 0 then
end if
Destinatario = GetVariable("vDestinatario")
Numero = GetVariable("vNumero")
Espaco = GetVariable("vEspaco")
    Titulo = GetVariable("vTitulo")
     Assunto = GetVariable("vAssunto")
     Anexo1 = GetVariable("vAnexo1")
         TempFolder = GetVariable("vTempFolder")
         'ActiveDocument.Variables("vTempFolder").SetContent "false", true
PDF = GetVariable("vPDF")
End With
objEmail.To       = Destinatario
'objEmail.CC       = "c"
objEmail.Bcc       = ""
objEmail.From     = ""
objEmail.Subject  =   Assunto & Anexo1
objEmail.HTMLBody =   Numero & Espaco & Titulo  
        'Aqui colocamos os anexos.....
objEmail.AddAttachment "C:\Geral\tmp\Numero.pdf" ' Attachement
        'Aqui apagamos os arquivos pois senao da erro na proxima vez.....
ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 5000
'ActiveDocument.Fields("Gerente").Clear ' Limpar Filtro por Email
End Sub
Paula Santos
vitória - ES
Labels (3)
1 Solution

Accepted Solutions

Beside the efforts of resolving your task within your qvw which is beyond the targets of the community it wouldn't be very helpful because there are multiple effects from a lot of environment-related topics included, like user- and security settings as well as how and where the tasks should be triggered and many more.

Especially noticeable is the targeted pdf-printer which is the old and outdated QlikView printer which either hints that you are dealing with a quite old release or - sounding more likely - it's just old code found and applied without really knowing what to do with it. In this case I suggest you are involving any Qlik/Partner support and/or implementing appropriate tools like NPrinting which providing a GUI to define the various print/export-jobs.

View solution in original post

9 Replies

Seems you need just to use the (right) variable because the exists already:

 TempFolder = GetVariable("vTempFolder")


objEmail.AddAttachment "C:\Geral\tmp\Numero.pdf" ' Attachement

objEmail.AddAttachment  = TempFolder   ?

What would this variable look like on the path?


Paula Santos
vitória - ES

In general, yes - means:

TempFolder = GetVariable("vTempFolder")
objEmail.AddAttachment  = TempFolder

In some cases (especially if any spaces or special chars are included) it might be necessary to wrap the path with double-quotes which requires often a triple/quadruple repeating of the quotes (easier would be to include them already within vTempFolder). Using: msgbox TempFolder will show the real existing content of the variable and is in general a very simple method to validate variables or a loop-iterator and also until which point the macro runs expected or breaks.


Se filesys.FileExists("C:\Geral\tmp\Numero.pdf") então
filesys.DeleteFile "C:\Geral\tmp\Numero.pdf"
Fim se


Se filesys.FileExists("C:\Geral\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf") então
filesys.MoveFile "C:\Geral\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf", "C:\Geral\tmp\Numero.pdf"



pFolder = GetVariable("vTempFolder")



como faço para tratar essa parte do código. Pois tentei colocar a variável dentro e não funcionou. msgbox que você me deu trabalho.2023-11-06_15-12-35.jpg

I need to adapt the variable in these two places


Paula Santos
vitória - ES

Principally the hard-coded path could be simply replaced with the variable - but this variable needs of course to be available within the calling sub-routine. This means you need either to call the variable-routine within the sub or defining the variable globally or transferring the variable as sub-parameter.

What happens if the print is executed - nothing, any error or the execution breaks? Like above mentioned using one or several msgbox with the variable as output will quite soon show the cause behind the issue.


Sorry, I see you tried to help me in many ways. But I can't change the variable path in the code. It's difficult being a newbie.
Sub Envio()
        'Aqui apaga se tiver os arquivos.....
        arquivo = GetVariable("vTempFolder")     
Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      If filesys.FileExists(arquivo) Then
      filesys.DeleteFile arquivo
End If
        ' Aqui roda o relatorio ID   RP01
ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 2000
Set filesys = Nothing
        ActiveDocument.PrintDocReport "RP01", "RP01"   
ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 5000
' Aqui se existe o PDF, entao renomeia ele.......
        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If filesys.FileExists(arquivo) Then
        filesys.DeleteFile arquivo
End If
Set filesys = Nothing
ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 5000
Paula Santos
vitória - ES

I need to repeat my question from above: "What happens if the print is executed - nothing, any error or the execution breaks?"


I'm sorry, Marco, fail.


I know your friend is very busy, I imagine, but with the attached qvw you can't just do a test with the variable that is also in the qvw.
Paula Santos
vitória - ES

Beside the efforts of resolving your task within your qvw which is beyond the targets of the community it wouldn't be very helpful because there are multiple effects from a lot of environment-related topics included, like user- and security settings as well as how and where the tasks should be triggered and many more.

Especially noticeable is the targeted pdf-printer which is the old and outdated QlikView printer which either hints that you are dealing with a quite old release or - sounding more likely - it's just old code found and applied without really knowing what to do with it. In this case I suggest you are involving any Qlik/Partner support and/or implementing appropriate tools like NPrinting which providing a GUI to define the various print/export-jobs.