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Aggregation, Partition By, and Statistical Metrics

Hey Folks,

I have a table that looks like this in excel, which was very easy to calculate:

Snapshot Period Level First_Time Sales_Session p2g_mean p2g_sd ub lb p2g_chg_mean p2g_chg_sd p2g_chg_ub p2g_chg_lb
4 Weeks Before Start Standard Yes  I 0.302577 0.085413 0.38799 0.217165 0 0 0 0
4 Weeks Before Start Standard No  I 0.310554 0.083643 0.394197 0.226911 0 0 0 0
4 Weeks Before Start Premium Yes  I 0.3615 0.087 0.4485 0.2745 0 0 0 0
4 Weeks Before Start Premium No  I 0.358553 0.069001 0.427554 0.289552 0 0 0 0
4 Weeks Before Start Students Yes  I 0.298856 0.083095 0.381952 0.215761 0 0 0 0
4 Weeks Before Start Students Yes II 0.533818 0.044476 0.578294 0.489341 0 0 0 0
4 Weeks Before Start Students No  I 0.303418 0.087201 0.390619 0.216216 0 0 0 0
4 Weeks Before Start Students No II 0.536134 0.036154 0.572288 0.49998 0 0 0 0
3 Weeks Before Start Standard Yes  I 0.425674 0.119147 0.544821 0.306527 0.113517 0.024084 0.1376 0.089433
3 Weeks Before Start Standard No  I 0.432582 0.121935 0.554517 0.310648 0.112013 0.025451 0.137464 0.086562
3 Weeks Before Start Premium Yes  I 0.477844 0.119243 0.597087 0.358601 0.115014 0.031082 0.146097 0.083932
3 Weeks Before Start Premium No  I 0.478983 0.104823 0.583806 0.37416 0.110539 0.025374 0.135912 0.085165
3 Weeks Before Start Students Yes  I 0.422101 0.117061 0.539162 0.30504 0.11319 0.024117 0.137307 0.089073
3 Weeks Before Start Students Yes II 0.618456 0.05525 0.673705 0.563206 0.083297 0.011983 0.09528 0.071315
3 Weeks Before Start Students No  I 0.425816 0.126322 0.552139 0.299494 0.11236 0.026101 0.138461 0.086258
3 Weeks Before Start Students No II 0.619878 0.046597 0.666475 0.573282 0.076695 0.013049 0.089744 0.063647
2 Weeks Before Start Standard Yes  I 0.622732 0.102832 0.725563 0.5199 0.141162 0.04295 0.184112 0.098213
2 Weeks Before Start Standard No  I 0.629323 0.104299 0.733622 0.525024 0.137103 0.042974 0.180077 0.094129
2 Weeks Before Start Premium Yes  I 0.670783 0.100269 0.771053 0.570514 0.125547 0.054608 0.180155 0.070939
2 Weeks Before Start Premium No  I 0.668225 0.09004 0.758265 0.578185 0.126979 0.04777 0.174749 0.079209
2 Weeks Before Start Students Yes  I 0.619941 0.10156 0.721501 0.518381 0.142236 0.042769 0.185004 0.099467
2 Weeks Before Start Students Yes II 0.737712 0.045071 0.782783 0.692641 0.119404 0.023435 0.14284 0.095969
2 Weeks Before Start Students No  I 0.623961 0.110578 0.734539 0.513383 0.138739 0.042742 0.181481 0.095997
2 Weeks Before Start Students No II 0.737245 0.034135 0.77138 0.70311 0.114146 0.018595 0.132741 0.095551
1 Week Before Start Standard Yes  I 0.832111 0.113899 0.946011 0.718212 0.177655 0.030583 0.208238 0.147072
1 Week Before Start Standard No  I 0.838953 0.103842 0.942795 0.735112 0.175706 0.032268 0.207974 0.143438
1 Week Before Start Premium Yes  I 0.890065 0.081181 0.971245 0.808884 0.153537 0.060521 0.214058 0.093017
1 Week Before Start Premium No  I 0.861749 0.059263 0.921012 0.802486 0.157673 0.046453 0.204126 0.111221
1 Week Before Start Students Yes  I 0.829287 0.114446 0.943733 0.71484 0.178909 0.029658 0.208567 0.149251
1 Week Before Start Students Yes II 0.87827 0.032433 0.910702 0.845837 0.139089 0.023053 0.162143 0.116036
1 Week Before Start Students No  I 0.836125 0.116801 0.952927 0.719324 0.178556 0.030702 0.209258 0.147854
1 Week Before Start Students No II 0.879335 0.025229 0.904564 0.854106 0.140005 0.021519 0.161524 0.118485


All of these statistics are based on data from two tables: total sales and budgets. I've omitted three columns and ~ 200 rows for formatting reasons. These are the additional columns fiscal year,  campaign session (there are 6 distinct values), and product name (there are 5 distinct values).

The snapshots represent the time period before the start of a campaign, and we have three more snapshots: Start Date, Census Date, and End Date.  What I need to do is replicate these calculations in a Qlik Sense chart so that we can show the mean of our sales vs target, the upper and lower bounds (by one standard deviation up or down), the change from the previous snapshot, and the change to the upper/lower bounds for each snapshot. Once that's done, they'll all go on a line chart for trajectories as we approach the end of a campaign.

I've been able to create a column that aggregates the total sales by snapshot period. When I try to get the total budget amounts for the same, in order to calculate the p2g mean, sd, and the changes, I am getting a blank (error). 

Here's what is working for the total sales by snapshot period:



aggr(nodistinct sum({<[Program Enrollment Status]={'ELIGBLE','COMPLET'}>}[Gross Sales]),[Snapshot Name])



Here's what doesn't work for the sales target by snapshot period:



aggr(nodistinct sum([Sales Target]),[Snapshot Name])



Here's what doesn't work for the total sales standard deviation by snapshot period:



stdev(aggr(nodistinct sum({<[Program Enrollment Status]={'ELIGBLE','COMPLET'}>}[Gross Sales])/sum([Sales Target]),[Snapshot Name]))



 Once I do have the SD, I want to add or subtract it from the mean, and then show the change from one snapshot to the next (above, maybe? Not sure).

Any ideas?

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4 Replies
Champion III
Champion III

Sales Total by SnapshotDate would be as below, you don't need Agg() use the Total keyword instead

sum({<[Program Enrollment Status]={'ELIGBLE','COMPLET'}>} TOTAL <[Snapshot Name]>  [Gross Sales])


Similarly , Total Target  by Snapshot

sum(TOTAL  <[Snapshot Name]> [Sales Target])



=StDev(  AGGR   (   

sum({<[Program Enrollment Status]={'ELIGBLE','COMPLET'}>} TOTAL <[Snapshot Name]> [Gross Sales])

/ sum(TOTAL <[Snapshot Name]> [Sales Target])   ,  [Snapshot Name] ) )

Vineeth Pujari
If a post helps to resolve your issue, please accept it as a Solution.

Hi Vineeth,

Those are giving me the sum of everything in the table, not the totals specific to each snapshot.


Champion III
Champion III

If you have snapshot as the dimension then you can remove the total keyword 


=StDev( AGGR (   


sum({<[Program Enrollment Status]={'ELIGBLE','COMPLET'}>} [Gross Sales])


/ sum( [Sales Target]) , [Snapshot Name] ) )

Vineeth Pujari
If a post helps to resolve your issue, please accept it as a Solution.


aggr(nodistinct sum({<[Program Enrollment Status]={'ELIGBLE','COMPLET'}>}[Gross Sales]),[Snapshot Name])

is giving me the result I want for just gross sales. If I'm understanding your suggestion correctly, I should be doing this instead:

sum({<[Program Enrollment Status]={'ELIGBLE','COMPLET'}>} TOTAL <[Snapshot Name]>  [Gross Sales])

But instead, it looks like this:


The column to the left of the yellow box is giving me the results I want, but it doesn't seem to work for the other measures.
