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i have 3 tables
UserID | CourseCompleted | ADClicked |
34 | 1 | 1 |
43 | 1 | 0 |
45 | 1 | 1 |
46 | 0 | 0 |
47 | 0 | 0 |
48 | 1 | 0 |
//above table contains CourseCompleted and Not CourseCompleted Users
DownloadID | UserID | downloaded |
23 | 34 | 0 |
24 | 43 | 0 |
25 | 45 | 2 |
28 | 48 | 3 |
//above table contains only CourseCompleted Users
UserID | typeID |
34 | 7 |
43 | 23 |
45 | 23 |
46 | 23 |
47 | 23 |
48 | 6 |
45 | 5 |
46 | 4 |
48 | 23 |
//above table contains CourseCompleted and Not CourseCompleted Users
Here i Need to get below Counts:
1.) Count of ADClicked by CourseCompleted users only.
2.) Count of downloaded by CourseCompleted users only.
3.) Count of CourseCompleted users only who has typeID = 23.
4.) Count of CourseCompleted users who has not involved in any of above actions .
ok, just checked you app <<MODIFIED>>
here you go
UserID -= {"=sum({1<CourseCompleted={1}>}ADClicked)>0"}>
<UserID -= {"=sum({<CourseCompleted={1}>}downloaded)"}>
<UserID -= {"=count({<CourseCompleted={1},typeID={23}>} DISTINCT UserID)"}
distinct UserID)
What have you tried so far?
1.) Count of ADClicked by CourseCompleted users only.
2.) Count of downloaded by CourseCompleted users only.
3.) Count of CourseCompleted users only who has typeID = 23.
sum({<CourseCompleted={1},typeID={23}>} DISTINCT UserID)
4.) Count of CourseCompleted users who has not involved in any of above actions .
count({<UserID={"=sum({<CourseCompleted={1}>}ADClicked)=0"}>*<UserID={"=sum({<CourseCompleted={1}>}downloaded)=0"}>} UserID)
For 4th one,Also coursecompleted users who has no logtypeID = 23. Then will it become ??
count({<UserID={"=sum({<CourseCompleted={1}>}ADClicked)=0"}>*<UserID={"=sum({<CourseCompleted={1}>}downloaded)=0"}>*<UserID={"=sum({<CourseCompleted={1},typeID={23}>} DISTINCT UserID)=0"}>} UserID)
Hi Vineeth,
For 4th expression, i am getting 0, it should be 1. Since it has no logtypeid = 23, downloaded = 0, and ADClicked = 0.
If Chage your expression to this
count({<UserID={"=sum({<CourseCompleted={1}>}ADClicked)=0"}>*<UserID={"=sum({<CourseCompleted={1}>}downloaded)=0"}>*<UserID={"=sum({<CourseCompleted={1},typeID={23}>} DISTINCT UserID)=0"}>} UserID)
This gives me Zero.
Can you explain abve expression, that is how it excludes userID which is not involved in other 3 things.
and in 3rd expression it is Count({<CourseCompleted={1},typeID={23}>} DISTINCT UserID)
can you post a sample please, it'll be easier
Hi Vineeth,
Please find below attached qvf file.
Here userID 43 is not involved in any action and typeID = 23.
but the 3rd expression is to filter only userid with type = 23! so it is a part of the 3rd expression therefore it is not showing in the 4th one
For 3rd, to filter only userid with type = 23. This has no problem.
I am talking about 4th expression.
For 4th, i need count of userID which is not having typeID = 23, not Clicked and not Downloaded,i.e ADClicked= 0, downloaded =0, typeID other than 23. So According to our data it should be 1 because UserID = 23 is not invovled in any action and doenot have typeID = 23.