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Contributor III
Contributor III

Bankkonten richtige abbilden und bestand genau zählen

Hallo Zusammen, 

Ich möchte einen Cash Bestand in qlik sense abbilden. Ich habe alle EUR Konten in einer Tabelle und es werden mir die Endbestände des Tages angezeigt. Manche Konten haben aber keine Bewegung an manchen Tagen sondern vielleicht am Tag davor und daher zählen sie nicht mit in den Cash Bestand hinein.

Wie bekomme ich den Cash Bestände  als Kennzahl mit dem richtigen Bestand angezeigt.

Ich habe ein Beispiel angefügt und die Formale dazu gegeben.

Hat jemand eine Idee?



if(GetSelectedCount(Monat)>= 1 oder GetSelectedCount(Jahr) >= 1,



Sum({<Monat={"$(=Month(today()))"}, Jahr={"$(=Year(today()))"}>}mt_saldoe))

Labels (6)
6 Replies

@Controller1 you may be able to get some more help if you post in English for everyone to read, thanks!

Contributor III
Contributor III

Hello all,

I would like to map a cash balance in qlik sense. I have all EUR accounts in a table and it shows me the closing balances of the day. But some accounts have no movement on some days but maybe on the day before and therefore they don't count in the cash balance.

How do I get the cash stock to show as a key figure with the correct stock.

I have attached an example and given the formal to it.

Does anyone have any ideas?



Contributor III
Contributor III


is there anybody who can help me?



@NadiaB or maybe @EricThomas ?


I'm not sure if this could be solved within the UI and if it's also sensible or rather very complex. Therefore, I suggest to do the essential part within the script - by populating the missing data. This might be done with an approach like the following:

t1: load Datum resident Kalender;
       join(t1) load KTO resident Banken;
       left join(t1) load Datum, KTO,  Saldo from EndBestand; 

t2: load *, alt(Saldo, if(KTO = previous(KTO), alt(previous(Saldo), 0), 0), 0) as SaldoX
      resident t1 order by KTO, Datum;

Means, at first a cartesian product from all dates and KTO is created and within the second step all available Saldo are added. The third step loads this data sorted and checked if alt() if a numeric value exists and previous() takes the value from the previous record if it's the same KTO.

You might need here and there an adjustment to the sorting and/or the alt-if-condition to match your real data and requirements which includes also the default-values which are here all simply set to zero which may not completely suitable whereby you could set what you want - maybe #NV or null() or ...

- Marcus

Contributor III
Contributor III

thx, i will try it tommorow.