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Contributor III

Can anyone tell me what's wrong in this Qlik Sense expression

Hi I am new to Qlik Sense. Can anyone please help me with currect solution to this as this is an urgent requirement.

LOAD if(Year(max(FISCAL_YEAR))=Year(Today()), Year(max(FINANCIAL_YEAR))) as Curr_FY, if(Year(max(FISCAL_YEAR))=Year(Today()), Year(today()-1)) as Prev_FY Resident [data_table]; Let Current_FY = '=Curr_FY'; Let Last_FY = '=Prev_FY';


I want to  create a dynamic variable in load editor for current fiscal year and previous fiscal year. So that I use it in table chart.

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1 Reply
Partner - Specialist

Hi @aarav021 

if your data table has only one single row or you just need one record, you will need to use peek

LOAD if(Year(max(FISCAL_YEAR))=Year(Today()), Year(max(FINANCIAL_YEAR))) as Curr_FY, if(Year(max(FISCAL_YEAR))=Year(Today()), Year(today()-1)) as Prev_FY Resident [data_table];

let Current_FY = Peek('Curr_FY',0,'your_new_table_name')


but if table is bigger or need to read more records, you will need to use a WHILE or FOR to read it


Hope this helps.


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