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Hi everyone,
Can Anyone provide me with the use case of char level scripting, i am not getting the idea how can i put chart level scripting in use, any suggestion, example or use case is welcome.
Thank you for the great examples.
Is it possible that one manipulate the labels on data points via Chart Level Scripting? and how?
Like we show one KPI as bars, but show a different KPI Value as label?
Example: We have an axis 1-5 for scores and want to show labels with number of records (in the thousands range)?
You don't need chart scripting to show a different KPI as the label. You can do this using the Dual() function as your measure. For example
Dual(Count(Distinct OrderID) & ' orders', Sum(Sales))
And select "Measure expression" for Number Formatting.
Hi Rob,
thanks for the solution, really helpful. It works in your case, but the challenge we have is that we use a stacked bar chart and want to change just the total values. So far I could not find a way to solve that. Instead of 100% we want to show some other text there (like "Score: 4.52")
Too bad, the trick does not seem to work when stacked. Maybe someone else will chime in with a solution.
Chart-level scripting isn't supported for stacked bar charts, so the question is probably moot regardless of whether or not there's a solution in the general sense for manipulating the data point labels..