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Conditional Color for Stacked Bar chart turned Waterfall

Hi all, I'm trying to do conditional formatting on a stacked bar chart that will present like a waterfall chart. The bottom measure of the stacked chart I want to show as white and the top portion of the stack I want to be conditional green for positive and red for negative.


My two Measures are below:

Total (this should be the base and be white) -

If([Actual Date] = '12/31/2016',sum([Base Pay]), If([Actual Date] > '12/31/2016',sum([Base Pay])-(fabs(sum([Base Pay])-(above(sum([Base Pay])))))))

Variance (this should be the conditional portion red or green based off of the value of just this portion) -

fabs(sum([Base Pay])-(above(sum([Base Pay])))). I know in the expression of the conditional coloring the fabs function will need to be removed though to differintiate between positive or negative values.


Any help with this woul dbe greatly appreciated! I can't use the default waterfuall chart that Qlik offers because I need it to be dynamic by the month. Thank you in advance! I'm new to scripting in Qlik, so as helpful as possible would be great.




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