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In excel I can do conditional formatting as displayed below. Is it possible to do the same thing in Qlik sense?
I only want to display duplicates because they are errors and I need to fix them in my system.
datatable would be your existing load.
//Mapping load
//sum(Flag) as Frq,
If(Count(InvoiceNum)>1, 'Yes', 'No') as Duplicate
Resident datatable Group by InvoiceNum;
//load *,
//if(ApplyMap('Map_Duplicate',InvoiceNum)>1,'Yes', 'No') as Duplicate
//Resident datatable;
//drop Table datatable;
I'd create a flag in my data model that indicates if there is a duplicate then throw together a set analysis statement {$<DuplicateIND = {'Y'}>} to only display the data that has duplicates.
how do I create the flag?
datatable would be your existing load.
//Mapping load
//sum(Flag) as Frq,
If(Count(InvoiceNum)>1, 'Yes', 'No') as Duplicate
Resident datatable Group by InvoiceNum;
//load *,
//if(ApplyMap('Map_Duplicate',InvoiceNum)>1,'Yes', 'No') as Duplicate
//Resident datatable;
//drop Table datatable;
Now I need to filter out all the duplicate PatID s
LIB CONNECT TO [pharmoresql production (pharmore_rwinkel)];
Add a flag for multiple PatID's and then apply the same logic above with the set pointing to {$<DupePatIDFlag = {'N'}>}
If there is a duplicate I need to see one of them. that's why I was trying to use the distinct keywork
You still would see the duplicates. Distinct wouldn't help your case because you'd be limiting your data to your group by. Using the flag is the way to go on this one.
in the data I pulled a patid will have duplicates that are ok when a patient moves to a new facility they are transferred some I can have a true duplicate meaning I could have five patids the same but all pointing to the correct AR account. PatId = AR account number.
so what my logic is remove all duplicate PatId s then search for duplicate SSN s and all duplicates will be the same patient but with two AR account numbers.
need to limit the false duplicate SSN