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Good afternoon people,
I'm trying to create an incremental load script in QlikView but I can not get the criteria to be interpreted correctly in SQL when loading the ODBC data:
LET vHoje = Date(Today(),'YYYYMMDD');
LET vStart = Now();
LET vFileExists = IF(FileSize('C:\Users\rafael.souza1\Desktop\Apps_Rafael\BaseHeranca.QVD') > 0, -1, 0);
LET vCriterio = IF(IsNull(vCriterio), vHoje, vCriterio);
OLEDB CONNECT32 TO [Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=rbsouza;Data Source=DBGESTAOCP;Extended Properties="DSN=DBGESTAOCP;SERVER=pta-sybctr02;PORT=9000;UID=rbsouza;"] (XPassword is BOKHFZJMTbbKHdFMRRMGTMB);
a.CdOperador AS 'CdColaborador',
SUM(CASE WHEN c.FlSomaCusto = 'S' THEN c.VrCusto ELSE 0 END) AS 'VlrCusto'
DBGESTAOCP..TbContrato a,
DBGESTAOCP..TbContratoFinanceiro b,
DBGESTAOCP..TbContratoCusto c
a.NuContrato = b.NuContrato
AND a.NuContrato = c.NuContrato
AND a.SqContratoFinanceiroAtivo = b.SqContratoFinanceiro
AND a.SqContratoFinanceiroAtivo = c.SqContratoFinanceiro
AND b.SqContratoFinanceiro = c.SqContratoFinanceiro
AND a.DtLiquidacaoEfetiva IS NULL
AND a.DtCancelamento IS NULL
AND a.DtContrato < '$(vCriterio)'
GROUP BY a.NuContrato, a.NuCpfCnpj, a.DtContrato, a.CdFilial, a.CdProduto, a.CdModalidadeProduto, a.CdPessoa, a.CdOperador, b.VrFinanciamento;
The sql is reading the inverted variable, instead of reading 06/07/2017 is reading 07/06/2017, Can you help me?
Out of ideas Last one: when have you reloaded the app successfully? Today() would give last reload time - real today is in Today(1).
Try to change SET DateFormat='YYYYDDMM' at the top of the script.
Thanks for the help, I just made the change that mentioned but it did not work
You changed to SET DateFormat='YYYYMMDD'?
I tested with 'YYYYMMDD' and with 'YYYYDDMM'
Out of ideas Last one: when have you reloaded the app successfully? Today() would give last reload time - real today is in Today(1).
Thanks for your help, I managed to make it work by removing the variable date from within the IF condition:
AND a.DtContrato < CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), '$(vHoje)', 112)
Now I'll see what's missing to use the date correctly inside the variable, half way advanced