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Contributor III
Contributor III

Default filter Q2


similar to my first question, I am applying default filter to my sheet but this time I have several filters. so I wanted to apply actions to my sheet again.

First filter:

Action : select values in a field

Filed name: FY

The value I want to show is the current year, so I wrote this formula in the value section:

FY= '$(=Year(Today()))'


Second filter:

Action : select values in a field

Field: Period

The value I want to show is the pervious month, so I wrote this formula in the value section:

Period='$(=MonthStart(Today(), -1))'

other filters:

Action : select values in a field
Field: ACC_Type
Value: A

Action : select values in a field
Filed: Level
Value: Level 1

when I exit and come back to the sheet, by default ACC_Type and Level filter the sheet and select A and 1, but FY and Period won't be applied.

Just to try, I removed the formulas and instead just put 2024 as value for FY and 3 as value for Period, and it worked. It filters the table by default when I open the sheet, However, that is not what users wants. They want a dynamic default filter.


let me know how to resolve this.


thank you for your help in advance!!

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2 Replies
Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

An minimal example of this as a qvf file might be helpful here... are you sure that the combination that you are trying to select exists together within the dataset? i.e is it possible the second two actions are having to clear the first two in order to select 'A' and '1'?

Contributor III
Contributor III

Yes, 100%!  The first two actions exist. And it works fine when I directly type in the values in the value sections for the actions. All the actions work and filter the report accordingly. First, it selects year 2024, then Period 3, next Acct, A and finally level 1. The problem starts when I add the dynamic formula to get current year and period.

It looks like when I apply the formula then the second two actions are clearing up the first two. but how I can resolve this?