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Different KPI's to visualize the data points & the targets


We have different KPI's in the qlik.




KPI                                                          2022                                                                        2023

ABC                                                         75                                         80                                100

DEF                                                         75                                                         90                100

GHC                                                         50                       65                                                  100


ALl the  kpi's are of different values doesnt have a similar column,
based on the the Current value it has to move towards the target or away from the target, Can you pleasse help me with the visualizations

Even single Viz for each KPI's works for me, please help me on that

2 Replies

Hi there,

Unfortunately it is not clear what your specific requirement is.


So I will share with you information about the available Qlik KPI visualizations.

From these links below, you may decide which visualization best suites your needs.



Kind regards...



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Thanks for the response,


Can you please look into it
all are different data points
as shown in the sample table below

KPI year 2022 Any Viz 2023
A 75 90 100
B 75 76 100
C 50 65 80


if the Any Viz column we need to come up with a visualization, that if it is near to 2023 target the point has to been shown near to the 2023 data as per KPI A

if the Any Viz data  point is near to 2022 data point it has to represent near 2022 column as shown in the above table KPI B

if the value is mid of the 2022 data point & 2023 then it should show it in the Middle as shown in KPI C

do we have any such viz, to show case this info