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Hi All,
I want to put filter in Pivot table. I have the data where as i required where the value is more than >1000 and >-1000 that particular row should be displayed in table rest row not required. i used below expression but not able to filter the data
=sum({$<[Variance classificaion]={'UP','UAP'>} [Far value difference])
+sum({$<[Variance classificaion]={'UP','UAP'>} [booked price]).
Need help.
Its urgent
Thanks in advance,
Binit Singh
Hi Aiolos,
Actually i dont have that access to share the data , but i am explaining you as per below scenario
Assume that we have two dimmension and Three expression.
In expression we having three columns A,B,and C they contains some value. here we have to apply filter
1. if column A=1100 or -1100 or and B=0 nd C=0 then that row should be displayed .
2. if column A=0 or and B=1100 or -1100 and C=0 then first row should be displayed.
if value is less than 1000 and -1000 that value should not be reflect.
Thnaks for reponse.
Hi Ailos,
I have prepared one sample data for you on excel and prepared one QVW. There i created pivot Table my requirement is
Sum of daily income is '>=1000' or '>=-1000' that rows should be reflect.
I applied below formula:-
Below formula is working fine for positive value and value is displaying more than 1000 but for negative its not coming
need your help to achieve >=-1000 value
=if(sum([Daily Income])>='1000',sum([Daily Income]))
Binit Singh