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Hi All,
Currently I am facing issue while finding New and Repeating Customer and need suggestion.
Logic is like this:
01/01/2019 | New :-first time Ordered Year |
01/10/2019 | New :-first time Ordered Year |
01/11/2019 | New :-first time Ordered Year |
01/01/2020 | Repeating: as same customer is repeating as it has Ordered in 2019 |
01/01/2021 | Repeating: as same customer is repeating as it has Ordered in 2020 |
01/09/2022 | Repeating: as same customer is repeating as it has Ordered in 2021 |
01/10/2024 | New: as it has a gap.(did not Ordered in 2023) |
01/10/2024 | New: as it has a gap.(did not Ordered in 2023) |
01/01/2025 | Repeating: as same customer is repeating as it has Ordered in 2024 |
01/10/2025 | Repeating: as same customer is repeating as it has Ordered in 2024 |
01/10/2027 | New: as it has a gap.(did not Ordered in 2024) |
I am using following logic but not getting actual output.
load Customer_code,
if(RowNo()=1, 'New', previous(SO_Year)) as Previous_SO_Year,
SO_Year-previous(SO_Year) as differnce,
//if(RowNo()=1 , 'New', if(SO_Year= previous(SO_Year),'New','Returning' )) as RET;
if(RowNo()=1 , 'New', if(SO_Year= previous(SO_Year) or
(SO_Year-previous(SO_Year)=1),'Returning','New' )) as RET;
"SO No",
Date#("SO Date(Date)",'DD-MMM-YYYY') as "SO Date(Date)",
date(Date#("SO Date(Date)",'DD-MMM-YYYY'),'YYYY') as SO_Year_1,
Year( Date#("SO Date(Date)",'DD-MMM-YYYY')) as SO_Year,
"Customer Code" as Customer_code,
"Customer Name"
I am attaching excel sheet for reference.
Thanks in advance.
Does this achieve what you wanted?
// Load all Data
NoConcatenate Load
"Customer Name",
From [lib://AttachedFiles/test23.xlsx]
(ooxml, embedded labels, table is Sheet1);
// "Sort" the rows by customer and date and number them; Add the Year for easier calculations
NoConcatenate Load
Year(SO_Date) as SO_Year,
RowNo() as RowID
Resident Data
Order By Customer_code, SO_Date;
Drop Table Data;
// Left join the year of the previous row for each customer -> the first row for every customer will have null as the previous year
Left Join(OrderedData) Load Distinct
RowID + 1 as RowID,
SO_Year as SO_PreviousYear
Resident OrderedData;
// Load final table; Check whether the previous year is within 1 year from the current one.
NoConcatenate Load
"Customer Name",
If(SO_Year - SO_PreviousYear <= 1, 'Returning', 'New') as ReturningCustomer
Resident OrderedData;
Drop Table OrderedData;
Does this achieve what you wanted?
// Load all Data
NoConcatenate Load
"Customer Name",
From [lib://AttachedFiles/test23.xlsx]
(ooxml, embedded labels, table is Sheet1);
// "Sort" the rows by customer and date and number them; Add the Year for easier calculations
NoConcatenate Load
Year(SO_Date) as SO_Year,
RowNo() as RowID
Resident Data
Order By Customer_code, SO_Date;
Drop Table Data;
// Left join the year of the previous row for each customer -> the first row for every customer will have null as the previous year
Left Join(OrderedData) Load Distinct
RowID + 1 as RowID,
SO_Year as SO_PreviousYear
Resident OrderedData;
// Load final table; Check whether the previous year is within 1 year from the current one.
NoConcatenate Load
"Customer Name",
If(SO_Year - SO_PreviousYear <= 1, 'Returning', 'New') as ReturningCustomer
Resident OrderedData;
Drop Table OrderedData;
Thanks @LRuCelver
This is working fine and getting desired output.