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Creator III
Creator III

GetFieldSelections not working correctly - Bug

Hi There

I observed on behavior when using GetFieldSelections function.

I am using Filter objects. I am typing some text to search the required value and hit enter.

When i do that the value is getting selected in the selected panel , however in the GetFieldSelections function I am seeing only the text value which I have typed.

I should see the full related value of the field.

Is there something wrong ?

I am using following Title Expression,

='KPI Dashboard' & '   -   ' & GetFieldSelections([Project Manager Name])

Please find attached screenshot.

5 Replies
Creator III
Creator III

Can you try using.

=if(getselectedcount([Project Manager Name])>0,'KPI Dashboard' & '   -   ' & Concat(DISTINCT [Project Manager Name],','))

Partner - Champion
Partner - Champion

that's because you have selected more than one Project Manager.

Creator III
Creator III

Thanks , initially when I load the App it shows heading as '-', it should show 'KPI Dashboard'

Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

You are seeing the documented behaviour of GetFieldSelections(). If the selection was via a search string, it will return the search string ('neel' in your case, which returns any names containing the 'neel').

You may need to use something like Only() or Concat() to get the currently 'possible' values.

Logic will get you from a to b. Imagination will take you everywhere. - A Einstein
Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

>> initially when I load the App it shows heading as '-', it should show 'KPI Dashboard'

GetFieldSelections() returns a null if nothing is selected, and concatenating a null value with the '&' operator causes a null result. You need something like:

='KPI Dashboard' & If(GetSelectedCount([Project Manager Name]) = 1, '   -   ' & Only([Project Manager Name]))

Logic will get you from a to b. Imagination will take you everywhere. - A Einstein