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I have a dashboard in which the data is set up to refresh daily, so I would like the dashboard to show today's data by default, and then the user can change the date to see yesterday's, or last week's, or really any date's data. How do I go about doing this? The always one selected value feature automatically selects the first value in the field.
in your Date field for the example will use DATE
insert in search of the field =DATE=today()
after applying the selection create a bookmark call it : OnOpen
then right click on the new bookmark and set it as default
What do you mean by "search of the field"?
I used this extension and it works great!
like this
Hi Lironbaram,
How can we apply this for a single value selection field? This is my current requirement in this sprint.
Madhab Sikder
what about it when we have customized Date different field in filter pane like 202305 then ?? kindly help