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Contributor II
Contributor II

How to show more than 4 quarters if i select date range from 01-04-2017 to 31-03-2019 ?

I want to show quarter based on date range selection.

if i select date range from 01-04-2017 to 31-03-2018 then

quarters = Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4

if i select date range from 01-04-2017 to 31-03-2019 then

quarters = Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6,Q7,Q8

Labels (1)
2 Replies
Partner - Master
Partner - Master


I know what you are getting at, but there are no Q5 till Qn. There are only four quarters. What you can make is a quarter sequence number. Meaning that every quarter from each year has his own identifier. Then you will get something like you requested.



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Hi ,

Based on min & max date create a master calendar & link this master calendar with transactions with follow cal code


"date" AS %Date,
YearName("date",0,4) AS FinancialYear,
Date(Yearstart("date",0,4)) AS YearStart,
Date(Yearend("date",0,4)) AS YearEnd,
Num(Date(Yearstart("date",0,4),'YYYY')) AS FinancialYearNo,
date(MonthStart("date"),'MMM-YY') AS MonthYear,
Month("date") AS MonthName,
If(Num(Month("date"))>3,Num(Month("date"))-3,Num(Month("date"))+9) AS MonthNumber,
MonthStart("date") AS MonthStart,
MonthEnd("date") AS MonthEnd,
Year("date") AS Year,
'Q' & alt(if(Month("date")<4,4),if(Month("date")<7,1),if(Month("date")<10,2),3) AS Quarter,
alt(if(Month("date")<4,4),if(Month("date")<7,1),if(Month("date")<10,2),3) as QTR,
'Q' & alt(if(Month("date")<4,4),if(Month("date")<7,1),if(Month("date")<10,2),3) & '-' & Year("date") as QuarterYear,
quarterstart("date",0,4) AS QuarterStart,
quarterend("date",0,4) AS QuarterEnd,
quartername("date",0,4) AS QuarterName,
if(Num(Month("date"))>3,Year("date")+1,Year("date")) AS FiscalYear,
AutoNumber(Month("date") & Year("date")) AS Sequential,
NUM("date") AS DateNum,
monthname("date") AS CalMonthYear,
Day("date") &'-'& Date("date",'MMM') AS DayMon,
num(Year("date")&num(Month("date"),'00')) as YEAR_MONTH, // Link between tables for previous month / year selection
num((Year("date")-1)&num(Month("date"),'00')) AS YEAR_MONTH_PREVIOUS, // Link between tables for previous month / year selection
num((Year("date")-2)&num(Month("date"),'00')) AS P_YEAR_MONTH_PREVIOUS,
Day(Monthend("date")) AS NumberOfDaysInMonth,
ceil(QuarterEnd("date")-QuarterStart("date")) AS NumberOfDaysInQtr,
Date(Yearend("date",0,4)) - Date(Yearstart("date",0,4)) as NumberOfDaysInYr,
if( YearName("date",0,4)='2017-2018',1,0) as YearFlag

Hope this resolve your issue.
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