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I Have 20 KPI Names. How can I combine all 20 and assign RAG colors with single expression.

I Have 20 KPI Names . How can I combine all 20 KPI's and assign RAG colors with single expression . I have loaded KPI Names in Pivot table as Dimension.

For example you can take  KPI names as Network, Mobile, Fixed and so on.....

Can someone help?


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1 Reply

Probably with a pick-match combination

pick(match(MyKPIDimension, 'Network', 'Mobile', 'Fixed', ... and so on ....)
, If( sum(Something) < 10, Red(), if(sum(Something) < 20, RGB(255,128,0), Green()))
, If( sum(SomethingElse) < 25, Red(), if(sum(SomethingElse) < 50, RGB(255,128,0), Green()))
, If( sum(SomethingFixed) < 4 , Red(), if(sum(SomethingFixed) < 8, RGB(255,128,0), Green()))
, ... and so on

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