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Is there a way to keep filter selections from an iframe?

Hi Everyone,

So the scenario is that I have a mashup that uses an iframe to embed sheets from my application, however when a filter selection is made and I move to a different sheet in the same application via the mashup, I lose the filter data that is selected in the iframe (as it has to reload the page).

My solution to combat this was to somehow get the values that were selected via the iframe sheet and pass this through a url using the App Integration API, I was wondering if anyone has done this before? Or has an alternative solution that may work?

Basically, I'd like to be able to set the selections that a user has made into variables which in turn can be passed into a url using the App Integration API (or similar).

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!


6 Replies
Creator III
Creator III

Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III


Yes you can apply a filter:

'<a target="_parent" href=http://qlik/QvAJAXZfc/opendoc.htm?document=char-test.qvw&host=qlik&select=LB01,'&cod_payment&'>Pagos Report</src>' as Drill

select=LB01,'&cod_payment&' is the part that do the selection

Hope This Helps,


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normally if you open your WebPage TWICE  (the page where there is the Iframe) on your web browser,

you should discover with surprize that Qlik conserving your selection 😉

Of course that's not a Solution !

but if that the case, then the thing to do is "easy" on your HTML page make not One, but 2 iframe (of course the 2nd iframe must be hidden by using any way : reduce size to 1 px, or using CSS with display : none...)

It should fix your issue

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Wow! i'm actually surprised with this, I didn't really end up using this solution, but its great to know! Thanks

Not applicable

Thanks for the reply! I'd use it, but i can't seem to see what is actually being filtered, so i think the App Integration API will suffice.


Such a brilliant idea. Thanks a lot.

Do you have any idea how to save the filters to variables, so they can be passed to another application?