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Join two values

Dear All


I have 5  different companies in my filter pane. Is it possible jo Join company 1 and 2 and have new company name "Company 12" in filter pane, where qlik sense would  sum net sales for both companies.

I have used pick(match) function, but with no success 


Thank you and advance and kind regards,




                                  Net sales
Company 1           500

Company 2          1000

Company 3        150

Company 4           40

Company 5        2500

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2 Replies
Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

You can use the formula given by @DataVizzPro also in front-end. Use this in the formula editor box:

 If(Match(Company,'Company 1','Company 2'),'Company 12',Company)

It is still better to solve this in the loadscript, depending on the exact requirements. If the case is to combine these two companies no matter what, then use this in the loadscript. But if you want to have some flebility in which two companies you want to combine and what you want users to see in the filterpane, then you could work with some variables to achieve the result.

Champion III
Champion III

Just create a separate dimension table to group your companies together as needed


Load * Inline [
Company 1,500
Company 2,1000
Company 3,150
Company 4,40
Company 5,2500

Load Distinct Company
,if(WildMatch(Company,'Company 1','Company 2'),'Company 12',Company) as CompanyGroup
Resident Fact;


Then use CompanyGroup in your charts 

Vineeth Pujari
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