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Monthstart and Monthend function

Hi ,

I have 2 columns, which is Date and value. Date is from 05/01/2020(May 1st 2020) till today. . I am creating a line chart which has MMM YYYY (Date) as dimension. For each month, i have to calculate exact growth value as Measure.

For example , if 05/01/2020 has value 100 and 05/31/2020 has 150 means , I need to show 50 ( 150 -100 )(monthend value - monthstart value) for May 2020. likewise for all months

Here the problem is ,1) certain month start/month end  value has null values. I need to ignore that and take next day value. suppose if 06/01/2020 has null means, I need to check for 06/02/2020 as monthstart. Same logic for month end as well(need to take previous date value, if month end value is null means)

2)For current month(May 2022), 05/01/2022 as monthstart and since 05/23/2022 as last value in load , I need to use value for 05/23/2022 - value for 05/01/2022 

Any help/logic on this please

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1 Reply

having month as dimension this measure expression might work:





 see also: