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Newbie Needs Help Filtering Results Based on Date


I am using a pivot table to show sales by salesperson for accounts opened after a certain date.  Dimensions are 'Salesperson' and 'AccountName'. Calculated Measures are 'Sales' and 'FirstSaleDate'.  Example of the table below.  I need to show only account names and data with a 'FirstSaleDate' after a certain date (for example 01/01/2022).  Any thoughts and advice on how to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Salesperson AccountName First Sale Sales
John Totals 10/20/2021                          110
Company A 10/20/2021                             10
Company B 11/20/2021                             30
Company C 12/18/2021                             50
Company D 01/20/2022                             20
Mary Totals 12/01/2021                          145
Company F 12/01/2021                             80
Company G 02/18/2022                             10
Company H 03/01/2022                             25
Company I 03/04/2022                             30
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1 Reply

Hi, you can use set analysis to filter the dataset:

Sum({<[First Sale]={">=01/01/2022"}>} Sales)

Or to make it more dynamic using curren date: Sum({<[First Sale]={">=$(=Date(YearStart(Today())))"}>} Sales)