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Qlik iFrame/JS to CRM

We are having some difficulties displaying a Qlik iFrame in CRM.  Does anyone have any experience in this or knows of documentation on how to do something like this? 

We've displayed the iFrame on another website but haven't been able to put it into CRM.

8 Replies

I interested work for you, So Where these Iframe links made from? QlikSense Mashup / What? If QS then what you are linking up with CRM(Which CRM is that?)

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful

Yes, QlikSense Mashup and we are using Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

CRM has the ability to display a URL in an iFrame inside the application.  That is how we tried to do it.


I am not aware how to pass argument in CRM using HTML. But, In normally if we look report in "Single Configuration" then in the top you will get URL and I frame. So, in that you can call it as this?

<Div ID = "IFrameBU">

    <iframe src='http://localhost:4848/single/?appid=C%3A%5CUsers%PRSIA%Digital%5CDocuments%5CQlik%5CSense%5CApps%5CP...' style='border:none;'></iframe>


And Cascading Style Sheets should apply here as per needs


#IFrameBU {You may apply CSS ???}


So, It will link to in web development..

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful

Have you get a chance to look here?

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful



Everything on the Qlik side is working.  Its the CRM part that is giving us problems. I can build a webpage and call the URL through a div and apply CSS to that with out an issue.  When we try and do this:

We get nothing.  I know its technically not a Qlik question but I was wondering if anyone has done this with Qlik already and might know of a work around to that might help us.

Not applicable

Hello Michael,

I'm looking for doing the same integration into the last version of Dynamics 365 and I'm in front of the same issue : Everyting is OK on the QlikSense side but when I configure an Iframe or a WebRessource , I also got an empty area...

I think that the problem come from the Url used (getting from single configurator QlikSense tool). The source is store into "localhost", so the Ressource cannot be found by the CRM backend.

I'm currntly trying to do that integration via a Mashup but It's not still working.

Do you have any news from your experience since December ?

Best Regards


I didnt actually figure out how to get it to work but this is what my contractor said on how he did it: "First was the Okta integration for SAML which allows single sign on. From there we just had to embed an iframe into the accounts page"

Not sure if that is going to work with Dynamics 365.