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I want to create a table with multiple filters. What will be the syntax for it in set analysis?

1 Reply

I think you are totally mixing up some concepts. 

Tables show data values and you can filter the data that would be shown using the Search feature of Qlik and select/filter values based on any field in the entire data model. You could also filter by simply clicking any value in any dimension in the table. 

Set Analysis is a way to aggregate data values like instead of SUM(MyCostField) you could say you only want the costs for the current fiscal year. Then you would apply Set Analysis within the SUM() to accomplish that. 

You need to help other users help you by providing some more information when you post requests. Nobody knows what you mean by multiple filters nor what your field names are so they couldn't possibly help you write anything. Show examples of what data you are using, show a screen shot of what you have tried, show a drawing of what you want it to look like etc.