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Contributor III
Contributor III

Rolling sum on Qlik Sense

Hi all,

I need to build a "rolling sum" plot (or table as well), i. e. a sum that month by month runs on the latest 12 months.

More precisely, I have a graph that shows a variable (the number of sold products) month by month.

The other variable I want to show is the sum of sold products on one year up to that month.

The result should be a plot showing (month by month) the units sold in that month (e.g. March 2017) and the units sold on one year that far (e.g. April 2016 - March 2017).

I hope the request is clear.

Any help would be very appreciated.

Thanks, LuigiZ

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Contributor III
Contributor III

Tank you agigliotti!

I've read that article, as it was advised earlier by omarbensalem‌, but couldn't transpose it in my case.

I did some try as well, but with no result.

The formula you suggest gives a total, but it's not the right one (it makes a sum but I don't understand the calculus).

So I tried to remove the outest "Sum( Aggr(" and it works fine    (see attached file).

So the right formula, for my case, is:


               Above( total Sum( {<[PostingDate.autoCalendar.YearMonth] = >} Quantity)

        ,           0, 3)


This makes a 3 months Rolling sum.

By wrinting 12 instead of 3 I make 12 months rolling sum.

Great thank you to all who contributed.

View solution in original post

35 Replies
Master II
Master II

Sum({<Num_Month = {$(=Max(Num_Month)-1)}, Year = {$(=Max(Year)-1)} >} Units_Sold)

Not a perfected expression cus by default what should be shown?

Current year sales or previous year sales?

And the selection should only happen if Month is selected?


Sum({<Num_Month = {$(=Max(Num_Month)-1)}, Year = {$(=Max(Year)-1)} >} Units_Sold))

Maybe this would work...? Num month should be a numeric field and year as well.

Contributor III
Contributor III

Hi Aehman,

the first formula you provided works but it gives the same result as:


What I wanted to do, instead, is to create  sum of Units_Sold on the last 12 months, month by month (the so called Rolling sum).

Something like this:

Sum(FROM Date.autoCalendar.MonthsAgo = 12 TO Date.autoCalendar.YearMonth)

But I don't know how to set these two ends of the sum



Hi Luugi,

check this:

i hope that helps


Contributor III
Contributor III

Thanks Beck,

I'm not able to get you proposal: my table has 1 record with Quantity and Date fields, so I have a number in quantity for each day.

I'm looking for a Measure expression to put in the plot.

Thanks again

Contributor III
Contributor III

Complete information.

I created a table in the same app showing the same result of the plot, but in numeric way (both have the same issue).

My plot have

DIMENSION = Date.Auttocalendar.YearMonth

MEASURE = Sum(Quantity)

and it correctly shows me the total number of items sold per each month.

I'm really not able to show the units sold over 1 year:

Oct 2017 to show units sold from Nov,1 2016 to Oct, 31 2017

Nov 2017 to show units sold from Dec, 1 2016 to Nov, 30 2017

Dec 2017 to show units sold from Jan, 1 2017 to Dec, 31 2017

My fields are DATE for the dates and QUANTITY for the number of units

Master II
Master II

I'm really not able to show the units sold over 1 year:

Oct 2017 to show units sold from Nov,1 2016 to Oct, 31 2017

Nov 2017 to show units sold from Dec, 1 2016 to Nov, 30 2017

Dec 2017 to show units sold from Jan, 1 2017 to Dec, 31 2017

You want to how previous year sales upon selection of a particular field or by default?

You can create a Last Year Flag in back end, use that Flag =1 in expression to show the sales of PYTD.

Maybe I'm wrong, this looks like rolling year with month

Can you post a sample data?



Create your own master calendar: (it's always better to build ur own calendar, it's a preference thing)

Just copy and paste this:

Let vMinDate=num(MakeDate(2014,12,31));

//Let vMinDate= AddYears(today(),-2);

Let vMaxDate=Today()+30;



Load date($(vMinDate)+ RowNo()) as [Calendar date]

AutoGenerate $(vMaxDate)-$(vMinDate);



Load RowNo() as [%Date SEQ]

,AutoNumber(date([Calendar date], 'DD/MM/YYYY'),'%Date ID') as [%Date ID]

,date([Calendar date], 'DD/MM/YYYY') as [Calendar date]

,Day([Calendar date]) as [Day of date]

,'W' & right(WeekName([Calendar date],0,-4), 2) as [week date]

,'Q' &  Num(ceil(month([Calendar date])/3), '00') as [quarter date]

, right(WeekName([Calendar date],0,-4), 2) as [Week of date]

,Month([Calendar date]) as [Month of date]

,QuarterName([Calendar date]) as [Quarter of date]

,Year([Calendar date]) as [Year of date]

, right(WeekName([Calendar date],0,-4), 2) &'/'&Year([Calendar date]) as [Year week date]

,date(MonthStart([Calendar date]),'MMM YYYY') as [Year month date]

,num( Year([Calendar date])   ) & '- Q' &  Num(ceil(month([Calendar date])/3), '00') as [Year quarter date]

   ,WeekStart([Calendar date],0,-4) as [Week start date]

,WeekEnd([Calendar date],0,-4) as [Week end date]

,MonthStart([Calendar date]) as [Month start date]

,MonthEnd([Calendar date]) as [Month end date]

,QuarterStart([Calendar date]) as [Quarter start date]

,QuarterEnd([Calendar date]) as [Quarter end date]

,YearStart([Calendar date]) as [Year start date]

,YearEnd([Calendar date]) as [Year end date]

,AutoNumber(WeekEnd([Calendar date],0,-4) , '%Year week SEQ') as [%Year week SEQ]

,AutoNumber(Num(Month([Calendar date]), '00')&'/'&Year([Calendar date]), '%Year month SEQ') as [%Year month SEQ]

,AutoNumber(Num(QuarterName([Calendar date]), '00')&'/'&Year([Calendar date]), '%Year quarter SEQ') as [%Year quarter SEQ]

,if(monthstart(date([Calendar date],'MM/YYYY'))= monthstart(date(Today() ,'MM/YYYY')) ,monthstart(date(AddMonths(Today(),-2),'MM/YYYY')), monthstart(date(AddMonths([Calendar date] ,-1),'MM/YYYY'))) as [Month Fact]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP;


Load max([%Date ID]) as [%Date ID]

,1 as [Week end flag]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP2

Group by [Week end date];


Load max([%Date ID]) as [%Date ID]

,1 as [Month end flag]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP2

Group by [Month end date];


Load max([%Date ID]) as [%Date ID]

,1 as [Quarter end flag]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP2

Group by [Quarter end date];


Load max([%Date ID]) as [%Date ID]

,1 as [Year end flag]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP2

Group by [Year end date];


Load min([%Date ID]) as [%Date ID]

,1 as [Week start flag]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP2

Group by [Week start date];


Load min([%Date ID]) as [%Date ID]

,1 as [Month start flag]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP2

Group by [Month start date];


Load min([%Date ID]) as [%Date ID]

,1 as [Quarter start flag]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP2

Group by [Quarter start date];


Load min([%Date ID]) as [%Date ID]

,1 as [Year start flag]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP2

Group by [Year start date];



Load [%Date SEQ]

,[%Date ID]

,[Calendar date]

,[Day of date]

,[Week of date]

,[Month of date]

,[Quarter of date]

,[Year of date]

,[Year week date]

,[Year month date]

,[week date]

,[quarter date]

,[Year quarter date]

,[Week start date]

,[Week end date]

,[Month start date]

,[Month end date]

,[Quarter start date]

,[Quarter end date]

,[Year start date]

,[Year end date]

,[%Year week SEQ]

,[%Year month SEQ]

,[%Year quarter SEQ]

,[Month Fact]

    ,Num ( (date([Calendar date],'DD/MM/YYYY') - date([Month start date],'DD/MM/YYYY')) + 1) AS [Month Diff]

    ,Num ( (date([Calendar date],'DD/MM/YYYY') - date([Quarter start date],'DD/MM/YYYY')) + 1) AS [Quarter Diff]

    ,Num ( (date([Calendar date],'DD/MM/YYYY') - date([Year start date],'DD/MM/YYYY')) + 1)  AS [Year Diff]   

,if(WeekEnd([Calendar date])=WeekEnd(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY')),Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY'), WeekEnd([Calendar date])) as [Week end date 2]

,if(MonthEnd([Calendar date])=MonthEnd(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY')),date(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY'),'MMM YYYY'), date(MonthEnd([Calendar date]),'MMM YYYY') ) as [Month end date 2]

,if(QuarterEnd([Calendar date])=QuarterEnd(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY')),date(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY'),'MMM YYYY'), date(QuarterEnd([Calendar date]),'MMM YYYY') ) as [Quarter end date 2]

,if(YearEnd([Calendar date])=YearEnd(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY')),date(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY'),'MMM YYYY'), date(YearEnd([Calendar date]),'MMM YYYY') ) as [Year end date 2]

//,if([Calendar date]=Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY'),1,[Week end flag]) as [Week end flag]

, if(date(floor( WeekEnd([Calendar date],0,-4)))=date(floor(WeekEnd(Today()-1,0,-4))),

            if([Calendar date]=Date( '$(vCheckRevenuDate)','DD/MM/YYYY'),1),[Week end flag]) as [Week end flag]

,if(date(floor( MonthEnd([Calendar date])))=date(floor(MonthEnd(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY')))),

            if([Calendar date]=Date( '$(vCheckRevenuDate)','DD/MM/YYYY'),1),[Month end flag]) as [Month end flag]

,if( date(floor(QuarterEnd([Calendar date])))=date(floor(QuarterEnd(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY')))),

         if( [Calendar date]=Date('$(vCheckRevenuDate)','DD/MM/YYYY'),1) ,[Quarter end flag] )  as [Quarter end flag]





//,if([Calendar date]=Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY'),1,[Year end flag]) as [Year end flag]

, if(date(floor( YearEnd([Calendar date])))=date(floor(YearEnd(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY')))),

            if([Calendar date]=Date( '$(vCheckRevenuDate)','DD/MM/YYYY'),1),[Year end flag]) as [Year end flag]

, [Week start flag]

, [Month start flag]

, [Quarter start flag]

, [Year start flag]

// ,if(date(floor(MonthEnd([Calendar date])))=date(floor(MonthEnd(Date(Today()-1,'DD/MM/YYYY')))),

// if([Calendar date]=Date('$(vCheckRevenuDate)','DD/MM/YYYY'),1),[Month start flag]  )  as [Month start flag]

,AutoNumber(Num(Month([Month Fact]), '00')&'/'&Year([Month Fact]), '%Year month fact SEQ') as [%Year month fact SEQ]

Resident D_Calendar_TMP2;

Drop table D_Calendar_TMP, D_Calendar_TMP2;

DONT't change a thing

Then, in your fact table, in which you have the date field; do as follow:

AutoNumber(date(YourDateField, 'DD/MM/YYYY'),'%Date ID') as [%Date ID]

Now: as an expression for ur rolling month:

use this:

sum({<[Calendar date]=,[Month of date]=, [Year of date]=, [%Year month SEQ] = {"> $(= max([%Year month SEQ]) - 12)  <= $(=[%Year month SEQ])"}>}QUANTITY)

and a dimension use :

date([Month end date 2], 'MMM-YYYY')

Now, when you choose a Mars 2017 for example, you'll have:



If you want cumulative rolling: please refer to this:

Calculating rolling n-period totals, averages or other aggregations

and try to use this:

sum( aggr( rangesum( above( sum(QUANTITY),0,12) ),Month))


Or try sthing like:

