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Hi All,
I have below data which stores the specific code with their Category
Code | Category |
A->B | ABC |
A!B | XYZ |
A|B | PQR |
A+B | DEF |
I need to search each code in actual data which contains Text string of variable lenght and map the corresponding category. I have actual data as follows
ID | Text | Date |
1 | 123-A->B456 | 01/01/2024 |
1 | A|B45626abc | 14/01/2024 |
2 | abc1234A+B | 24/01/2024 |
3 | abc4123A!B1234 | 01/01/2024 |
4 | A|B123abcA+B | 25/01/2024 |
I need below output where I will have to add category column.
ID | Text | Date | Category |
1 | 123-A->B456 | 01/01/2024 | ABC |
1 | A|B45626abc | 14/01/2024 | PQR |
2 | abc1234A+B | 24/01/2024 | DEF |
3 | abc4123A!B1234 | 01/01/2024 | XYZ |
4 | A|B123abcA+B | 25/01/2024 | PQR |
Another challenge is that, Text can have multiple codes. In this case, we need to pick up first match in the Text. See the example for ID=4, it has two codes but we need to pick up first match which is A|B and map the corresponding Category
@rob_vander If you don't want to hardcode, try below
// Use the characters which are not part of Text string
mapping Load Code,
'@' & Category & '*' as Text
Inline [
Code Category
](delimiter is '\t');
Load *,
TextBetween(MapSubString('Codes',Text),'@','*') as Category
Inline [
ID Text Date
1 123-A->B456 01/01/2024
1 A|B45626abc 14/01/2024
2 abc1234A+B 24/01/2024
3 abc4123A!B1234 01/01/2024
4 A|B123abcA+B 25/01/2024
](delimiter is '\t');
Wildmatch(Text, '*A->B*','*A!B*','etc') will return 1, 2, etc for the first match found.
If you need the list to be pulled from a table, have a look at e.g. https://community.qlik.com/t5/App-Development/Wildmatch-with-a-list/td-p/1731085 or perhaps https://qlikviewcookbook.com/recipes/download-info/mapping-with-wildcards/
@Or Thanks for the reply. My ultimate goal is to add Category column in main table. I don't know how I can add that using wildmatch. Code and Category stored in different table. I need to search that Code in Text column of main table. Also, there will be many Codes which are getting updated once in quarter, hence I don't want to hardcode the search values. Is there any other way?
@Or I tried with below approach but it doesn't work as expected. It's giving NULL value for ID=2 because A+B is present in both ID=2 & ID=4. Also, for ID=4
pick(WildMatch(Text,'*A->B*','*A!B*','*A|B*','A+B'),'ABC','XYZ','PQR','DEF') as Category
@rob_vander If you don't want to hardcode, try below
// Use the characters which are not part of Text string
mapping Load Code,
'@' & Category & '*' as Text
Inline [
Code Category
](delimiter is '\t');
Load *,
TextBetween(MapSubString('Codes',Text),'@','*') as Category
Inline [
ID Text Date
1 123-A->B456 01/01/2024
1 A|B45626abc 14/01/2024
2 abc1234A+B 24/01/2024
3 abc4123A!B1234 01/01/2024
4 A|B123abcA+B 25/01/2024
](delimiter is '\t');
Para adicionar uma coluna na sua tabela, basta incluir o código abaixo na hora de carregar a sua tabela.
IF(WildMatch(Text,'*A->B*','*Um|B*','*Um + B*','*Um!B*') = 1 , 'Abc',
IF(WildMatch(Text,'*A->B*','*Um|B*','*Um + B*','*Um!B*') = 2, 'PQR',
IF(WildMatch(Text,'*A->B*','*Um|B*','*Um + B*','*Um!B*') = 3, 'DEF',
IF(WildMatch(Text,'*A->B*','*Um|B*','*Um + B*','*Um!B*') = 4, 'XYZ')))) as CATEGORY,
Thiago Gonçalo
@thiago_mlg I adjusted your if as below and it works but thing is I don't want to hardcode codes in If because I have around 20 codes. But thanks for the reply.
IF(WildMatch(Text,'*A->B*') = 1 , 'ABC',
IF(WildMatch(Text,'*A|B*') = 1, 'PQR',
IF(WildMatch(Text,'*A+B*') = 1, 'DEF',
IF(WildMatch(Text,'*A!B*') = 1, 'XYZ')))) as CATEGORY
Thanks. I will try it on my data
Thanks. It works