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Contributor III
Contributor III

Section access for multiple hierarchy

Hi All,


My challenge was that now we want to set the section access for the user and based on userid reduction, as data source was the hierarchy from level 1 to level 8, so transfer to two columns, one for NTname and one for reduction, but as the same time, we want to keep the filter from level 1 to level8 as attached qvf, but as we transfer to two columns, now they dont have the mapping. So my comcerns was that based on current data source, how to set the section access and data model to achive the requirement.


User login can see he's own data and the users under him. and keep the filter like data source, if the user login was level 3, then he can see the data from level 1 to level 3 under him. 


Thanks in advance!


Best Regards,


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