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Set expression that ignores user selection

Is it possible to write set analysis that ignores user selection in the following way.

Lets say the user filters on customer name as an example. Now my dashboard only shows data for the selected customers per the filter choice.

But is it possible to write set analysis in a chart so that a select customer(s) is always shown regardless of user choice.
So that if the user selects customers A,B and C as an example and I always want customer F to be shown in the chart along any choice made by the user. 

In the above example data for customer A, B, C and F would be displayed despite the user not selecting F.

Any help is appreciated.


Labels (6)
3 Replies

check operator +


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You may try something like this:

sum({< Customer *= {'F'}>} Value)


sum({<Customer+={'F'}>} Value)