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Total value of Current Quarter + total value of all previous quarter

Hi everybody,

 I have an issue , this is the data that i want to have  but is base on a expression with static variable, 

and if i put dynamic variable in a bar char it give me the Q 2 19  quarter  values (first row) , i need all the quarter (o put in  my formula :

count ( DISTINCT
total {1<C_Quarter=, flag_date={0}, C Fiscal Quarter number={">=$(v Dynamic Quarter 4) <=$(v Dynamic Quarter)"},

C Q Fiscal Quarter number={"<=$(v Dynamic Quarter) >=9999"}>} NUMBER)


{1< C_Quarter=, C Fiscal Quarter number={">=$(v Dynamic Quarter 4) <=$(v Dynamic Quarter)"},

c Q Fiscal Quarter number={"<=$(v Dynamic Quarter) >=9999"}>} NUMBER)


v Dynamic Quarter=max(C Fiscal Quarter number)

v Dynamic Quarter 4=max(C Fiscal Quarter number)-4

and 9999 are null values;




Q 2 191272835727245.0%
Q 1 19981664235843.1%
Q 4 18679142464936.3%
Q 3 18382481230032.2%
Q 2 181489611587.8%


One solution is that i use pick(match(quarter,'Q 2 19','Q 1  19'...),

and add the expression from above with static variable for every Q and it works

But searching the web i found  :


range sum(
count(distinct {<flag_date={0}, C Fiscal Quarter number ={">=$(=$(d Quarter 4)) <=$(=$(d Selected Quarter))"},cQ Fiscal_Quarter number ={"<=$(=$( d Selected Quarter)) >=9999"}>} NUMBER)
range sum(
count( distinct {<flag_date={0}, C Fiscal Quarter number ={">=$(=$(d Quarter 4)) <=$(=$(d Selected Quarter))"},c Q Fiscal Quarter number ={"<=$(=$(d Selected Quarter)) >=9999"}>} NUMBER))


where d Selected Quarter and d Quarter 4 are dynamic variable =max(C Fiscal Quarter number ) , max(C Fiscal Quarter number )-4 (without 😃 created in "front".

but i doesn't give me 


I want to use a count(NUMBER) where C Fiscal Quarter number is between current quarter and four previous quarters, with a flag_date =0(not important) and 

the second filter is c Q Fiscal_Quarter number <= current quarter    >=9999 (null values) . c Q_Fiscal_Quarter number and from a second calendar . 

I have added am excel with the demo data. For a better selection you have to select the current  quarter and all the previous quarter for C Fiscal Quarter number  and from c Q Fiscal Quarter number  the same selection + 9999 and flag =0
thank you.


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