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Not applicable

Using For next loop i want to remove column C2,C3,C4 record when C1 is even.other wise if C1 is odd then store data as it is.


load * Inline


C1,  C2,  C3,  C4

1,  a1,  b1,  c1

2,  a2,  b2,  c2

3,  a3,  b3,  c3

4,  a4,  b4,  c4

5,  a5,  b5,  c5

6,  a6,  b6,  c6

7,  a7,  b7,  c7

8,  a8,  b8,  c8,

9,  a9,  b9,  c9,

10,  a10, b10, c10


I have table. I want to Null/Remove column C2, C3, C4 Record when C1 column is even.

4 Replies
Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

Is this what you are looking for?

LOAD C1, C2, C3, C4

FROM ....

Where Mod(C1, 2) = 0;

Logic will get you from a to b. Imagination will take you everywhere. - A Einstein
Not applicable

actually  I want to return


C1,  C2,  C3,  C4

1,  null,  nullnull

2,  a2,  b2,  c2

3,  nullnullnull

4,  a4,  b4,  c4

5,  nullnullnull

6,  a6,  b6,  c6

7,  nullnullnull

8,  a8,  b8,  c8,

9,  nullnullnull

10,  a10, b10, c10


load C1, if( Mod(C1, 2) = 0, C2, null()) as C2

,if( Mod(C1, 2) = 0, C3, null()) as C3

,if( Mod(C1, 2) = 0, C4, null()) as C4


load * Inline


C1,  C2,  C3,  C4

1,  a1,  b1,  c1

2,  a2,  b2,  c2

3,  a3,  b3,  c3

4,  a4,  b4,  c4

5,  a5,  b5,  c5

6,  a6,  b6,  c6

7,  a7,  b7,  c7

8,  a8,  b8,  c8,

9,  a9,  b9,  c9,

10,  a10, b10, c10





Hi, Even() or Odd() function can help:


     If(Even(C1), C2, Null()) as C2,

     If(Even(C1), C3, Null()) as C3,

     If(Even(C1), C4, Null()) as C4