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Working with dimensions

For instance I have Table A as shown below

Category Product Sales
A A1 23
A A2 43
A A4 45
A A5 76
B B1 28
B B2 82
B B3 93
C .. ..
D .. ..
E .. ..
Total   390

Now I want to be able to do this if I select Category A as a dimension , I want to get the total for Category A which in this case is 187 and all the other Categories that is B - E should be shown as Other and I get a combined summation for those Categories. If I select B I get the sum form and everything else is combined together. 

I hope this make sense. How can I get that done. 

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1 Reply
Specialist II
Specialist II

Hi @Tee_Ayo 

Create a 'products' field by combining these values in your script:

If the unification is equal to all values ​​that start with A, you can do it using the wildcard character * to search for all values ​​that start with the letter A:

if(wildMatch(Product, 'A*'), 'A', 'Others') as ProductGroup

Or by selecting each value:

if(Match(Product, 'A1', 'A2', 'A4', 'A5'), 'A', 'Others') as ProductGroup

Regarts, Matheus

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