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get % participation of a measure?

Hi All,

l want to get the % of participation of a measure called Forecast 2022 that is made by

Sum (Sales) + Sum(Forecast) = Forecast 2022

as example, l asked this but for a field of my script, in this case:

sum([Monto Mn Bruto SKU])/Sum(Total([Monto Mn Bruto SKU]))

so l tryed with this but it doesn't work for Forecast, what can l do? or is how can l calculate this?

Thank you





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2 Replies
Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

It is difficult to help without understanding more. The total function gets all data disregarding the dimension values. For example a chart with country as dimension and measure sum(Sales)/sum(total Sales) gives the share of sales for each country. Is that what you are trying to do?

What dimension are you using? What error are you getting?


Hi Morgan

In this case, l have this table, what l want is the % of Forecast 2022, Forecast 2022 is a measure compound of Sales + Forecast.

So l know is sum(Sales)/sum(total Sales) as you say to get that but with that measure doesnt work good, my question is why? or what lm doing wrong 



this is what lm doing is this:
