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hi i am very new to qlik view

i have a data list and i want to create a chart for particular data, monthly and daily basis. i have attached the  .csv file and necessary data below, any one explain step by step ( if possible screen shot) it will b nice tutorial for learning.

X-axis is hourly.  Norm is 2 days 24 points.  You can scale to 60 days on x axis.  It will make the point very small, but we need capability is a requirement

The value shown will be the hourly average.  X-axis is hour.  So do we want hourly average or hourly max.   We could make this a filter and based on the filer you select it would Show hrly average

CPU Utilization –



Everything except Windows:  GBL_CPU_WAIT_UTIL – SYSCPUWAITTIME

Windows Only - SysCpuPctIntrptTime

Memory Utilization –



     GBL_MEM_CACHE_UTIL (SYSMEMPHYSPCT) this metric will be Null for Solaris systems.

I/O Rate –



Run Queue – not valid for VMWare Guests


GBL_PRI_QUEUE (SysProcPriorityQueueLength) (HP-UX only)

If “Is Virtual” = Yes and “Virtualization Technology” = VMWare, use VmGuestCpuPhysPctReady

Paging Rates (Windows)



Paging Rate metrics must be on separate axes in the graph.

Network Packet Rates –



Page Scan Rate


Swap In / Swap Out Byte Rate

*X systems only:  SysMemSwapInByteRate

* X systems only: SysMemSwapOutByteRate


CPU Total Processor Usage – Forecast vs Actual

D1_GBL_CPU_TOTAL_USED (SysCpusUsed).  (monthly average, monthly peak hour, monthly peak interval) not really staked bar, but 3 separate bars overlaid

     Trend – Trend line based on 12 month linear trend calculation.  From the last month we have data trend out the next 12 months

      Installed Capacity CI_SYS_PROP_D.NR_OF_PHYSCL_CPU_DN (Installed Capacity comes from ESL)

      Usable Capacity CI_SYS_PROP_D.NR_OF_PHYSCL_CPU_DN * Warning threshold for (Capacity/CPU Percent Used) (Based on warning threshold in ESL)

Memory Usage

GBL_MEM_UTIL (SysMemPhysPctUsed) (monthly average, monthly peak hour, Monthly peak interval) not really staked bar, but 3 separate bars overlaid.


Usable capacity – Warning threshold  - Capacity – (Physical Memory Percent Used) (D1_GBL_MEM_PHYS_USED)

Memory Usage Forecast

D1_GBL_MEM_PHYS_USED (SysMemPhysSpaceUsed) - (monthly average, monthly peak hour, monthly peak interval) not really staked bar, but 3 separate bars overlaid

   Trend – Trend line based on 12 month linear trend calculation.  From the last month we have data trend out the next 12 months

   Installed capacity CI_SYS_PROPR_D.INSTLD_MEM_DN (from ESL)

    Usable Capacity CI_SYS_PROPR_D.INSTLD_MEM_DN * Warning threshold (Capacity - Physical Memory Percent Used)

Paging Usage

   Windows: GBL_MEM_PAGEOUT_RATE (SysMemPagesOutRate) (monthly average, monthly peak hour, Monthly peak interval) not really staked bar, but 3 separate bars overlaid.

    Solaris – show Page Scan Rate – SysMemPageScanRate

     *X - D1_GBL_MEM_SWAP_RATE (derived metric)

IO Usage

  GBL_DISK_PHYS_IO_RATE (SysDiskPhysIoRate) (monthly average, monthly peak hour, Monthly peak interval) not really staked bar, but 3 separate bars overlaid.

Swap Space

   GBL_SWAP_SPACE_UTIL (SysMemSwapPctUsed) (monthly average, monthly peak hour, Monthly peak interval) not really staked bar, but 3 separate bars overlaid.

If OS = Windows, this graph should be titled“Page File Util”/ all other OSs Title is Swap Space Util

2 Replies

Hi Rohith,

I'm not sure what you want to achieve. Do you want us to download and create and app for you? You have plenty of tutorials and documents in here as to create yet another one with your data.

I don't think that's fair, anyway, if I misunderstood your question just let us know.



In addition to Miguel's comment I would like to suggest the Qlik Education Services page, were you can find both free training and (virtual) classroom training. 

QlikView Training - Business Intelligence (BI) Reporting Software Solutions | Qlik

If you want to see how documents can be structured and composed, I would suggest that you look at the Qlik Demo site for applications within your industry. From this site you can get an idea of how to make appealing look-and-feel, as well as download sample QVW to evaluate the application setup in more detail.

Qlik Demos: See QlikView in Action | Demo.Qlik.Com