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in Qliksense chart independant from filter

I am using qliksense.

I have 1 filter called financial year (2016-17,2017-18,2018-19).

I want a bar chart which has dimension as financial year and measure will give sum of the sales for max month of the respective financial year i.e(Mar-17,Mar-18,May18)

I put expression as =sum({<MonthYear={'$(vMax_monthyear)'}>}Sales)

where vMax_monthyear=aggr(max(MonthYear),FinancialYear)

In this case I am getting value for measure only when I am selecting financial year from measure.If I am not selecting any financial year then chart is not showing any measure.I want to display the value for all the years without selecting financial year from filter.

I have negate the financial year like below also.but not working .


please assist.

11 Replies

Financial YearValue
2016-20171250(It represents the data for max month of 2016 - 2017 i.e March 2017)
2017-20181690(It represents the data for max month of 2017 - 2018 i.e March 2018)
2018-20191780(It represents the data for max month of 2018 - 2019 i.e May 2018)

We want this data without having any manual selecting of any financial year from the filter.

Partner - Champion
Partner - Champion

did you try what I said above?