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I have a couple of measures (A & B) which I am plotting across the months of the year.
But for measure A, I only have values for the first 4 months of the year. Measure B has a value for each of the 12 months.
The problem is the graph shows Measure A as having a zero value for months 5 thru 12.
I only want to show the line for the actual months 1 to 4 for which there is a value, and hide the graph for months 5 - 12.
Any suggestions?
Thank you
you could try adding this as a measure:
which evaluates as: if there is a sum for MeasureA, show it, otherwise show nothing
if you wanted MeasureB to show as part of the same line (instead of nothing), you could use:
if your background is white, color the line white for months 5-12
Hi ioannis.
Thank you for your response.
Can you tell me how to do this please?
An if statement is the easy solution :
if(month>5,white(), blue())
In appearance go to presentation and show missing values as gaps.
When you select the line chart, on the right side select 'presentation' -> what do you have for 'missing values' . Is it set to 'show as gaps' ?
so sorry, I replied believing this was QlikView not QlikSense...
my apologies.
you could try adding this as a measure:
which evaluates as: if there is a sum for MeasureA, show it, otherwise show nothing
if you wanted MeasureB to show as part of the same line (instead of nothing), you could use:
if the 'Show gaps' setting doesn't work, here is an alternative similar to the last suggestion:
Change measures to conditionally > 0 as follows
Sum(Costs) --> if( Sum(Costs)>0,Sum(Costs))
Sum(Sales) --> if( Sum(Sales)>0,Sum(Sales))
This will replace missing values that evaluate as zeroes with true missing values. See top as the default setting, bottom with the conditional values. Notice the change from 0 to - (null) and the effect it has on the line chart which i think is what you want
The data i used to create this was as follow. Note 2014 is missing in the 2nd load for Costs.
load * inline [
load * inline [
Thanks Everybody for your responses, and thanks, Andrew and Jonathan especially - your solution worked perfectly!