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need expression for target date changed count the ID's?


I have table and field are Issue_ID    Date_upload     Target_date

->KPI chart by default in the date_upload field we need to compare maximum_date and maximum previous date.if maximum date and maximum previous dates in the Taget_date field are different then caluclate the count id's.

->On the same KPI chart if the user selects any two dates compare those two dates.if maximum date and maximum previous dates in the Taget_date field are different then caluclate the count id's.


Issue_ID      Date_upload      Target_date

01                01-01-2018           10-05-2018

01                03-01-2018           15-05-2018

02                01-01-2018           10-05-2018

02                03-01-2018           10-05-2018

03                01-01-2018           10-05-2018

03                03-01-2018           16-05-2018

In the above table if we select dates in the date upload field i.e., 01-01-2018 and 03-03-2018 then count is 2 because id 01,03 target dates are changed and id 02 target dates are not changed.

I need quires for the above requirements in the back-end level.

i have written quires in the front end level but the performance is slow and it is showing an error in the chart i.e., time out.


Thanking you.

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