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Contributor III
Contributor III

round value to custom thresholds

Hi everyone, 

I have a problem where I want to round up a value (weight in my case which can be any value) to specified values/thresholds. this is because I want  to map a numeric value to a "group" so I can later map the weigh-group to a cost.

mapping LOAD *
Inline [
weight_threshold, cost
50, 111
100, 222
250, 333
500, 444
] ;

So I want a value of "5" to be rounded up to "50", and likewise "51" be rounded up to "100".
So I need to do the rounding to the column "weight" before using it in the applymap()

ApplyMap('Map', weight, null()) as cost
FROM somthing;

normally outside of qlik I would try to loop through the list of threshold to find the first threshold bigger than my current value and set the current value to that threshold; and if the value is bigger than the biggest threshold, set it to the highest threshold.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or hints on how I can solve this problem.


1 Solution

Accepted Solutions

I think a classical rounding won't be possible. An approach like your your nested if-loop could be a bit more readable with a pick(match()) replacement - whereby it wouldn't change the logic.

Easier than this may be to cluster the weight with num(class(weight, 50)) but for different cluster-sizes you would need again if-loops (whereby probably not so much as before) or you could extend your mapping-source appropriate.

Personally I would tend to prepare/extend the mapping table so that all needed values are included. That's rather an easy job with a while loop approach like the following:

// mapping load value, cost;
load *, ([weight_start] + iterno()) as value while [weight_start] + iterno() <= [weight_threshold];
load *, alt(num#(previous([weight_threshold])), 0) as [weight_start] inline [
weight_threshold, cost
50, 111
100, 222
250, 333
500, 444
] ;

- Marcus

View solution in original post

5 Replies
Contributor III
Contributor III

This works but looks awful and is probably problematic. And I have more "weight-groups" than this as well.

if(weight<50, 50, 
if(weight < 100,100,
if(weight < 250, 250, 500

))),null()) as cost
FROM somthing;


I think a classical rounding won't be possible. An approach like your your nested if-loop could be a bit more readable with a pick(match()) replacement - whereby it wouldn't change the logic.

Easier than this may be to cluster the weight with num(class(weight, 50)) but for different cluster-sizes you would need again if-loops (whereby probably not so much as before) or you could extend your mapping-source appropriate.

Personally I would tend to prepare/extend the mapping table so that all needed values are included. That's rather an easy job with a while loop approach like the following:

// mapping load value, cost;
load *, ([weight_start] + iterno()) as value while [weight_start] + iterno() <= [weight_threshold];
load *, alt(num#(previous([weight_threshold])), 0) as [weight_start] inline [
weight_threshold, cost
50, 111
100, 222
250, 333
500, 444
] ;

- Marcus

Contributor III
Contributor III

Neat solution and thanks for the tips!

Contributor III
Contributor III

my biggest weight threshold is 6000 (possibly 10k in the future) and I have  a total of 12 thresholds (~18 in the future), my question here is if it's reasonable to have a mapping table this large? (mapping 6k keys to 12 different values). With "reasonable" I of course am thinking about memory/speed/efficiency/nice looking code. 


I think you won't get any performance-challenge with such a small mapping. Mapping in Qlik is very fast and AFAIK no other measure will be faster, more efficient, easier to use and more readable as mapping.

I use it quite often - even with millions of records and many one and also multiple times nested (applying the next mapping within the non-matching default parameter as well as using string-concatenation of the return values which are separated with a subfield() again) and it worked usually very smoothly. Of course such heavy transformations have a noticeable impact but compared with the alternatives it's more simple and faster.

Therefore I wouldn't try to optimize this mapping/applymap. Nevertheless you may try it by combining the above mentioned class() method with the mapping maybe by multiplying the iterno() with the bucket-size like:

... + (iterno() * 50)

and/or combining it with some direct rounding and/or using several mappings which are then nested, maybe:

applymap(pick(floor(len(weight)/3), 'm1', 'm2', 'm3'), ...)

or similar measures with which you could reduce the mapping-size. By around 6k - 10k of records which may be reduced to maybe 10% of it I doubt that you will see a difference within the run-times - especially as any rounding/clustering/switching in regard of the lookup value will also need a processing. Even by millions of mapping-records I would only look for any optimizations if the overall-run-time of the whole script becomes the bottleneck.   

- Marcus