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Le nombre de Carte avec plus d'un user.



Je suis confronté à un probleme. J'ai une table avec deux colonnes: Carte et User.


Je souhaiterais calcul le nombre de carte avec plus d'un user.


Voici ma table:


407522B00029379 Joelle
407522P00032154 Joelle
407508P00047198 Joelle
407508B00023672 Joelle
407508FTSTFP001 Joelle
407508B00021218 Joelle
407521P00046148 Joelle
407508P00015321 Joelle
407508P00022941 Joelle
407508P00022941 Joelle
407508P00027424 Joelle
407505P00027392 Joelle
407505P00021331 Joelle
407505P00021354 Joelle
407504P00033316 Joelle
407521P00033347 Nadine
407521P00047356 Nadine
407508B00029017 Nadine
407508P00050008 Nadine
407508P00050008 Zeyna
407504P00032218 Bouly
407521P00027174 Jean
407521P00016155 Jean
407508P00021122 Jean
407506P00026737 Jean
407508P00045344 Jean
407508P00045344 Jean
407508P00045344 Jean
407504P00022537 Jean
407504B00010155 Jean
407508P00026532 Jean
407504B00011915 Julie
407504P00032076 Julie
407521P00046117 Julie
407521P00022561 Julie
407521P00025193 Julie
407521P00005846 Julie
407521P00042514 Julie
407521P00042387 Julie
407508P00022731 Julie
407508P00027498 Julie
407508P00027498 Julie
407508P00027498 Julie
407521P00025225 Julie
407504B00011650 Julie
407504P00033379 Julie
407504P00046168 Tata
407521P00005822 Luc
407521B00021206 Roussil
407508P00040291 Luca
407508P00022611 denie
407508P00022611 blanche
407508P00027621 blanche
407521B00016147 blanche
407521P00046103 blanche
407521P00024658 blanche
407505P00021124 blanche
407505P00015266 blanche
407504P00027368 blanche
407505P00021133 blanche
407508P00040291 blanche
407508BRECETTE3 Jessie
407508BRECETTE6 Jessie
407521P00027520 Jessie
407521P00046153 Jessie
407521P00047278 Jessie
407508P00024842 Jessie
407505P00021332 Jessie
407521P00025444 Jessie
407521P00025444 Jessie
407521P00045315 Jessie
407505P00042704 Jessie
407505B00012337 Jessie
407505B00028435 Jessie
407521P00025335 Jessie
407505P00021163 Jessie
407521P00002456 Jessie
407521B00021239 Jessie
407521P00026605 Jessie
407506P00033058 Quentin
407521P00002460 Quentin
407504P00033328 Quentin
407504P00043071 Quentin
407504B00012544 Quentin
407521P00047267 Quentin
407508B00002100 Quentin
407508P00027620 Colbert
407521P00022591 Oncly
407521P00040253 kevin
407508B00002689 petan
407521P00045312 petan
407521P00046135 petan
407521P00016140 petan
407521P00025668 domy
407521P00032268 domy
407521P00045263 domy
407505P00021374 domy
407521P00027484 domy
407521P00047280 domy
407504B00010133 domy
407521P00026617 domy
407521P00046102 domy
407521P00024849 domy
407521P00026615 domy
407521P00026615 domy
407521P00026614 domy
407521P00042527 domy
407521P00024650 domy
407508P00047385 domy
407508P00047385 domy
407521P00042509 domy
407506P00015564 domy
407506P00043294 domy
407506B00011603 domy
407506P00033317 domy
407508P00026603 domy
407521P00042519 domy
407521P00026615 domy
407521P00026615 domy
407521P00026614 domy
407521P00047350 domy
407521P00047412 domy
407521P00026610 domy
407521P00042385 domy
407521P00002497 domy
407505P00026799 domy
407505P00025792 domy
407505P00026785 domy
407521P00012500 domy
407521P00046215 domy
407521P00046215 domy
407521P00016103 domy
407505P00021165 domy
407505P00021165 domy
407505P00021165 domy
407521P00033341 domy
407508P00026563 domy
407508P00027459 domy
407508P00026603 domy
407508P00027421 domy
407508P00001010 domy
407508P00026945 domy
407508P00047385 domy
407508P00047385 domy
407508P00002652 domy
407508B00029014 domy
407504P00022354 domy
407504P00023001 domy
407508P00025151 domy
407521P00045488 domy
407521P00041246 domy
407521P00041246 domy
407521P00046142 domy
407521P00026616 domy
407504B00013729 domy
407521P00002491 domy
407505P00026782 domy
407504P00027627 domy
407521P00002490 domy
407521P00026618 domy
407521P00042502 domy
407521P00046152 domy
407521P00045456 domy
407506P00011612 domy
407505P00033197 domy
407505P00033197 domy
407521P00046150 domy
407521P00046150 domy
407521P00046149 domy
407521P00024511 domy
407521P00024644 domy
407504B00010771 domy
407521P00045314 domy
407521P00045314 domy
407521P00045314 domy
407508P00022379 domy
407521P00026606 domy
407521P00026627 domy
407521P00046120 Katie
407505P00022192 Betie
407521P00024922 béa
407521P00042386 franck
407521P00042523 gerard
407508B00006636 gerard
407521P00042394 gerard
407508P00001010 gerard
407521P00012486 gerard
407521P00045313 gerard
407512P00026888 gerard
407512P00026888 gerard
407521P00027460 gerard
407521P00033277 gerard
407521P00046324 Bouly
407521P00046324 ruth
407521P00046324 maryse
407508V0GABRIEL maryse
407521P00025505 maryse
407505P00022984 maryse
407505P00011206 maryse
407508P00027141 maryse
407521P00016105 maryse
407521P00047348 maryse
407521P00026622 maryse
407508P00024548 maryse
407508P00040291 maryse
407521P00047408 maryse
407521P00025082 maryse
407521P00024987 maryse
407508P00026535 maryse
407508P00026535 maryse
407508P00026535 maryse
407521P00042396 maryse
407505P00027566 maryse
407505P00026790 maryse
407505B00011205 maryse
407521P00002484 maryse
407521P00045287 maryse
407508P00026948 maryse
407508P00033210 maryse
407512P00041343 maryse
407521P00026608 maryse
407508P00013762 maryse
407508P00025181 maryse
407508P00025181 maryse
407508P00025181 maryse
407521P00042506 maryse
407521P00046118 maryse
407521P00016142 maryse
407521P00024899 maryse
407506P00027246 maryse
407506B00011603 maryse
407506B00011362 maryse
407506P00041393 maryse
407506P00041731 maryse
407506P00041731 maryse
407508P00022306 maryse
407508P00025162 maryse
407504P00047200 maryse
407505P00042727 maryse
407508P00025194 maryse
407508P00025194 maryse
407508P00021129 maryse
407521P00012526 maryse
407521P00046148 maryse
407521P00046149 maryse
407521P00042386 maryse
407521P00002490 maryse
407521P00012526 maryse
407521P00002456 maryse
407521P00022561 maryse
407521P00027484 maryse
407521P00022589 maryse
407521P00027171 maryse
407521P00042387 maryse
407508B00021218 maryse
407521P00027460 maryse
407521P00012503 maryse
407521P00042502 maryse
407521P00005822 maryse
407521P00026622 maryse
407521P00002479 maryse
407521P00027174 maryse
407521P00026618 maryse
407521P00012500 maryse
407521P00042503 maryse
407521P00016101 maryse
407521P00024650 maryse
407521P00005846 maryse
407521P00026613 maryse
407521P00042517 maryse
407521P00033347 maryse
407521P00042524 maryse
407521P00042506 maryse
407521P00002499 maryse
407521P00026627 maryse
407521P00025335 maryse
407521P00042525 maryse
407521P00016142 maryse
407521P00002460 maryse
407521P00042597 maryse
407521P00012486 maryse
407521P00042527 maryse
407521P00042518 maryse
407508P00015831 maryse
407521P00022591 maryse
407521P00026610 maryse
407521P00042505 maryse
407521P00025225 maryse
407521P00042504 maryse
407521P00033341 maryse
407521P00042521 maryse
407521P00016140 maryse
407521P00016155 maryse
407521P00022558 maryse
407521P00042388 maryse
407521P00024658 maryse
407521P00042523 maryse
407521P00042396 maryse
407521P00042382 maryse
407521P00002497 maryse
407521P00002491 maryse
407521P00046141 maryse
407521P00046141 maryse
407521P00046140 maryse
407521P00046150 maryse
407521P00046150 maryse
407521P00046142 maryse
407521P00022559 maryse
407521P00042509 maryse
407521P00016105 maryse
407521P00025212 maryse
407521P00032268 maryse
407521P00046107 maryse
407521P00046147 maryse
407521P00046152 Franche
407521P00046103 Franche
407521P00046102 Franche
407521P00045290 sam
407521P00045290 samara
407521P00045290 sassa
407521P00045311 sarah
407521P00046144 chris
407521P00046105 christo
407521P00046135 christo
407521P00046117 christo
407521P00046146 christo
407521P00046155 christo
407521P00042520 christo
407521P00046118 christo
407521P00046153 christo
407521P00046137 navaro
407521P00046156 navaro
407521P00045293 navaro
407521P00045313 navaro
407521P00045287 navaro
407521P00045286 navaro
407521P00046101 navaro
407521P00046120 navaro
407521P00046104 navaro
407521P00045312 navaro
407521P00042519 navaro
407521P00045263 navaro
407521P00045488 navaro
407521P00041246 natasha
407521P00041246 bekri
407521P00045294 bekri
407521P00046106 bekri
407521P00046106 bekri
407521P00045315 bekri
407521P00045314 bekri
407521P00045314 bekri
407521P00045314 bekri
407521P00042383 bekri
407521P00045456 bekri
407521P00040253 bekri
407521P00046324 bekri
407521P00046324 bekri
407521P00046324 bekri
407521P00042394 bekri
407521P00042511 bekri
407521P00047355 bekri
407521P00047353 bekri
407521P00047353 Autie
407521P00047353 Autie
407521P00047346 Autie
407521B00016146 Autie
407521P00047350 Autie
407521P00047356 Autie
407521P00047351 Autie
407521P00047348 Autie
407521P00047366 Autie
407521P00046149 Autie
407521P00046212 Autie
407521P00047412 Autie
407521P00047280 Autie
407521P00047277 Autie
407521P00042514 Autie
407521P00045255 Autie
407521P00047408 Autie
407521P00046215 Autie
407521P00046215 Autie
407521P00047264 Autie
407521P00047278 Autie
407521P00047267 Autie
407521P00045286 Autie
407521B00016146 Autie
407521P00047355 Autie
407508P00033343 Autie
407508P00013703 Autie
407504P00042071 Autie
407505P00022283 Autie
407521P00022589 Autie
407521P00042503 Autie
407521P00046106 Autie
407521P00046106 Autie
407504P00046175 Autie
407521P00012477 Autie
407505P00022240 Autie
407508P00027526 Autie
407504B00012646 Autie
407521P00047366 Autie
407505P00022266 Autie
407508P00022959 Autie
407508P00048909 Autie
407508P00022731 Autie
407508P00040291 Autie
407508B00029017 Autie
407508P00046113 nancy
407508P00046339 nancy
407508P00022954 nancy
407508P00033324 nancy
407508P00043241 nancy
407508P00045405 nancy
407508P00046392 nancy
407508P00047179 nancy
407508P00032130 nancy
407508P00040275 nancy
407508P00045498 nancy
407508P00045498 nancy
407508P00045498 nancy
407508P00046031 nancy
407508P00040279 nancy
407508P00040279 nancy
407508P00047466 nancy
407508P00047466 nancy
407508B00029017 nancy
407506P00046375 nancy
407504P00045411 nancy
407505P00042875 nancy
407508P00022920 nancy
407508P00022920 nancy
407508P00046425 nancy
407508P00045486 nancy
407508P00025176 nancy
407508P00027138 nancy
407508P00047201 nancy
407508P00046378 nancy
407508P00046331 nancy
407508P00046185 nancy
407508P00045491 richie
407508P00047123 richie
407508P00027160 richie
407508P00042083 richie
407508P00042098 richie
407508P00040323 richie
407508P00041379 richie
407508P00022196 richie
407521P00012497 richie
407505P00025794 richie
407505P00012313 richie
407508P00026532 richie
407508B00001001 richie
407508P00026535 richie
407508P00026535 richie
407508P00026535 richie
407508P00027631 richie
407508P00025140 richie
407521P00045290 richie
407521P00045290 richie
407521P00045290 richie
407506P00021309 richie
407521P00046156 richie
407508P00026871 richie
407504P00022802 richie
407521B00016149 richie
407521P00025212 richie
407505P00022261 richie
407505P00033030 richie
407521P00022559 richie
407521P00046101 richie
407521B00016148 richie
407521P00042382 richie
407521P00042597 richie
407521P00046144 richie
407508P00013704 richie
407508P00013704 jean
407508P00015831 jean
407521P00046137 jean
407521P00027174 jean
407521P00016155 jean
407521P00025717 jean
407521P00002499 jean
407508P00046277 bouly
407508B00002801 stockie
407521P00025722 randy
407506B00000969 randy
407521P00005833 randy
407521P00047264 randy
407505P00027390 randy
407505P00015252 randy
407505P00015252 randy
407508P00028845 randy
407508P00028845 randy
407521P00046118 randy
407521P00046148 randy
407521P00046141 randy
407521P00046141 randy
407504B00010464 randy
407504P00042551 randy
407504B00011946 randy
407504P00042355 randy
407521P00024921 randy
407504P00033031 randy
407508P00027462 marie
407521P00045294 marie
407506P00041731 marie
407506P00041731 marie
407504P00027604 marie
407508P00027621 marie
407521P00042504 marie
407508P00027527 marie
407508P00032253 zeyna
407521P00025340 zeyna
407508B00029017 zeyna
407521P00046155 zeyna
407521P00045293 zeyna
407505P00022973 franck
407504P00042315 franck
407504P00033348 franck
407521B00021049 franck
407521P00042511 franck
407521P00042524 glory
407521P00016116 glory
407504P00027228 glory
407508P00045380 glory
407521P00042518 glory
407508P00025290 glory
407521P00025500 glory
407508P00022564 glory
407508P00022564 glory
407521P00046140 gloria
407508B00006636 gloria
407521P00046148 gloria
407521P00002466 gloria
407508P00022611 gloria
407508P00022611 gloria
407508P00027130 sometie
407521P00042516 sometie
407508P00027401 sometie
407508B00000834 sometie
407504P00022753 sometie
407521P00012497 sometie
407521P00012526 sometie
407521P00026627 sometie
407521P00002460 sometie
407521P00042504 sometie
407521P00047353 sometie
407521P00047353 dasy
407521P00047353 dasy
407521P00046148 dasy
407521P00046149 dasy
407521P00027171 dasy
407521P00042505 dasy
407521P00025690 dasy
407521P00026613 dasy
407508P00042057 dasy
407508P00027459 dasy
407521P00002474 dasy
407508P00021102 dasy
407508P00026603 dasy
407504P00022475 dasy
407512P00022276 dasy
407505P00012311 dasy
407505V00028434 dasy
407505P00022280 dasy
407508P00027497 dasy
407504B00010712 baby
407521P00042383 baby
407521P00042521 baby
407504B00010137 baby
407508P00022306 baby
407521P00046146 baby
407521P00047351 baby
407504B00010778 baby
407504P00022457 baby
407505P00042705 baby
407508P00025022 barie
407505P00022262 barie
407504P00026706 barie
407504P00042552 barie
407505P00028822 barie
407521P00047277 barie
407504P00027604 barie
407504P00014231 barie
407521P00042520 barie
407521P00022558 barie
407508P00027401 barie
407505P00042710 barie
407505P00033304 barie
407521P00026620 barie
407521P00027072 barie
407521P00027072 barie
407508P00025709 barie
407504P00019212 barie
407505B00012337 barie
407521P00012484 barie
407521P00002479 barie
407521P00016109 barie
407504P00042515 barie
407521P00012503 barie
407521P00012526 barie
407521P00045311 barie
407521P00047346 barie
407508P00047468 barie
407521P00046105 barie
407521P00042517 barie
407521P00026611 barie
407505P00013288 barie
407521P00042388 barie
407521B00021212 barie
407521P00002489 barie
407508P00024928 barie
407521P00012504 boubou
407508P00025648 boubou
407505P00028813 boubou
407521P00026626 boubou
407506P00041365 boubou
407504B00010155 boubou
407504P00019212 boubou
407505P00027900 boubou
407505P00027400 boubou
407521P00042525 boubou
407505P00015270 boubou
407504B00011958 boubou
407504B00011946 boubou


Merci par avance.

Labels (7)
5 Replies

Salut, je suis desolé pour mon Français, ce n'est pas le meilleur 😁 Vous pouvez essayer comme ci à decouvrirez les cartes avec plus d'un, avec tes données en 'cards':


load CARTE,count(CARTE) as cardcount
resident cards
group by CARTE;
load CARTE,cardcount
resident t
where cardcount>1;
drop tables t,cards;







Ton français est correcte.


Par contre,  je ne veux pas le faire dans le script. Je veux le faire dans un graphique en barres.


J'ai par exemple écrit ceci: 

count({<Poste={'=Count( USER)>1'}>} CARTE)  mais ça ne donne pas le bon résultat.

Merci par avance

Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III


J'espère que j'ai bien compris votre question, car je l'ai traduite avec Google Translate.

Si je vous comprends bien, vous voulez compter le nombre USERS uniques par CARTE.



Count(distinct {$<USER={"=count(CARTE)>0"}>}USER)





Kind regards


If this answers your question or solves your issue, be sure to mark the answer as correct by clicking 'Accept as Solution'. This will mark the post as solved and other Qlikkies will gravitate towards this post as it as a possible solution for their issue. Multiple responses can be accepted as a solution so make sure to select all that apply.




bigger than*

Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Are you looking for this?

Count(distinct {$<USER={"=count(CARTE)>0"}>*<CARTE={"=count(distinct USER)>1"}>}CARTE)


By the way, this is personal information that you shared on the internet?? 

