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Error in Windows: There was a problem sending the command to the program

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Error in Windows: There was a problem sending the command to the program

Last Update:

Oct 12, 2020 7:30:25 AM

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Created date:

Sep 27, 2017 10:39:45 AM

Opening a QlikView document in QlikView Desktop fails with the message:

There was a problem sending the command to the program.


This issue generally indicates a Windows system issue such as: 

  1. Temporary lack of resources
  2. Duplicated or damaged Registry entries
  3. Too many instances of the same program open




There are the following solutions to this problem:

There may be two QlikView entries in the Registry.

  • Verify this by right clicking on a QlikView document in your file system
  • Select Open with 
  • See if you have two QlikView applications listed, as displayed in the screenshot below.

  • To reset the Registry entry:
  • As an administrator, open regedit.exe with Windows + R and typing regedit.exe. 
  • Browse to the following key:


  • Right click on "qv" and select Export to make a backup, and save the REG file in the Desktop (for example). Then right click on System and delete it. 
  • Open QlikView.
  • Close QlikView
  • Double click on a QVW file - it should now open again correctly. 


Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE):

According to Microsoft KB article, this problem may also occur due to the Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)feature. DDE is a type of communication protocols which is used by Windows to open certain filetypes which require this protocol for communication between source and target programs. DDE mechanism is used to prevent unnecessary opening of multiple instances of a program if one instance of that program is already running in background. So basically DDE helps Windows in saving computer resources so that you get better performance from your computer.


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