Connecting Talend Studio to a server using HTTPS (such as Talend Cloud or Git Server) might result in an SSL error message in the log.
Example errors:
PKIX Path Building Failed
unable to find valid certification path to requested target
To further troubleshoot the issue or to retrieve log files needed by support, collect debug traces for the Studio connection:
- Edit the Studio configuration .ini file (Talend-Studio-win-x86_64.ini), and add the following:
(Optional) To get timestamps and URLs accessed, add the following:
On Windows, the .ini file is Talend-Studio-win-x86_64.ini. On Linux, the .ini file is Talend-Studio-linux-gtk-x86_64.ini.
- Open a terminal and go to the Studio installation folder.
- Start Studio with the --talendDebug > debug_ssl.txt 2>&1 option (where debug_ssl.txt is the name of your file).
On Windows:
Talend-Studio-win-x86_64.exe --talendDebug > debug_ssl.txt 2>&1
On Linux:
Talend-Studio-linux-gtk-x86_64 --talendDebug > debug_ssl.txt 2>&1
- Choose a local connection to open a project.
- Reproduce the issue by testing the Cloud connection (using your credentials).
- Collect the Support Logs.
Stop Studio.
Upload the debug_ssl.txt and Support Logs archive files into a Talend Support ticket.