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Qlik Cloud slowness in Catalog or Home sections

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Qlik Cloud slowness in Catalog or Home sections

Last Update:

Feb 12, 2023 10:03:31 AM

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Created date:

Feb 12, 2023 10:02:42 AM

Qlik Cloud apps thumbnail's size is not limited and this could lead to undesired behaviours if such is not taken into account when adding the thumbnails to your apps.

Such undesired behaviour could be end users facing slowness when navigating trough the Catalog or the Home section. 



  • Qlik Cloud



The bigger is the size of your thumbnail on the app the longer it will take to be loaded, this could be easily seen in the Developer tools of the browser as below:


It is strongly recommended to use such images as optimized as possible ensure end users performance when navigations trough such sections.



The main contributor on the loading time of an app thumbnail will be its size (e.g 5B vs 5MB) resulting  in different range of times.



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Version history
Last update:
‎2023-02-12 10:03 AM
Updated by: