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Qlik Cloud: use qlik-cli to import list of users from a csv file

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Qlik Cloud: use qlik-cli to import list of users from a csv file

Last Update:

Mar 5, 2024 3:58:31 AM

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Created date:

Feb 23, 2024 5:18:12 AM


Using the qlik-cli it is possible to import a list of users to a tenant from a csv file.
It will be then possible to assign roles, entitlements and space permissions to the users before they log in to the tenant.

Here's a possible example of how to do that.

  1.  Create a csv file called userlist.csv in this format (see attached sample file)

    Mick Case,
    Davide Bironi,
    Kenny Handsley,
    Leigh Kersriver,
    Gerry Vain,
    Tommy Ioni,
    Terence Attendant,
    John Oughborne,
    William Guard,
    Renato Padovano,​

  2. Save the following shell script and put it in the same folder as the csv file

    1. Powershell version (note: if the location of the qlik-cli is not added as an Environment Variable Path you will need to modify the script to include the full path in front of the command "qlik")  

      # Import the csv file as an array of objects
      $csv = Import-Csv -Path userlist.csv
      # Initialize a counter for the subject
      $counter = 1
      # Loop through each object in the array
      foreach ($row in $csv) {
          # Generate the subject using the counter
          $subject = "ExampleSubject" + $counter
          # Execute the qlik-cli command with the column values and the subject
          qlik user create --name $row.Name --email $row.Email --subject $subject
          # Increment the counter


    2. Bash version for UNIX systems:

      # Get the number of lines in the csv file
      lines=$(wc -l < userlist.csv)
      # Loop from the second line to the last line (skipping the header row)
      for ((i=2; i<=lines; i++))
        # Get the name and email values from the ith line using cut
        name=$(cut -d, -f1 userlist.csv | sed -n "${i}p")
        email=$(cut -d, -f2 userlist.csv | sed -n "${i}p")
        # Generate the subject using the counter
        # Execute the qlik-cli command with the column values and the subject
        qlik user create --name "$name" --email "$email" --subject "$subject"
        # Increment the counter
  3. Execute the scripts according to your operating system requirements

NOTE: users will be created with a temporary SubjectId like "ExampleSubject1", "ExampleSubject2", and so so on. After the first login, users will get a proper SubjectId. 
Roles, entitlements and space permissions will follow the users to the new subject.


Alternatives ways of adding users via scripts might be achieved via the an /api/v1/users CALL with the POST method and a payload like:




  "email": "",
  "name": "First Lastname",
  "subject": "SubjectXYZ"





The information and the files in this article are provided as-is and will be used at your discretion. Depending on the tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors, ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.



Labels (1)
Partner - Creator

Please tell me about the following message.
>It will be then possible to assign roles, entitlements and space permissions to the users before >they log in to the tenant.

As shown in the attached capture, I edited the csv file and PS1 file and ran it, but an error appeared and I could not run it.

Please provide specific examples of assigning roles, qualifications, and space permissions.

I'm using a translation, so I'm sorry if the English is hard to understand.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.





Error: {
"traceId": "19c53014a34ead2c7fe8753d82654bc3",
"errors": [
"code": "IDENTITIES-11010",
"detail": "validation error: unable to match all requested documents for field \"roles\"",
"meta": {
"numExpected": 1,
"numFound": 0
"source": {
"pointer": "/roles"
"status": 400,
"title": "Bad Request"



Hi @ksuto ,


I see a typo in your csv file: "Proffesional", instead than "Professional"

That could be the cause.

Partner - Creator


I edited the misspelling of Professional, but it didn't work.
I think there may be an error in the "Flags" information in the capture below and the content added to the csv or PS1 file.

Which flag should I use for "TenantAdmin" and "Professional"?




Hi @ksuto : I did some testing. For roles like "TenantAdmin" the flag to use is "--role"

Entitlements, however, cannot be assigned using the "user" command.
You will need to use the "license" one.