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Qlik Reload and Task Best Practices

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Qlik Reload and Task Best Practices

Last Update:

Jan 17, 2024 11:43:08 AM

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Created date:

Jun 14, 2023 2:57:22 AM

In this document we outline common reload configuration and performance best practices for both Qlik Cloud and Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows


Permissions: Who can set up and execute reloads?

Users and Administrators in Qlik Cloud (Entitlements)

Users with Professional (Qlik Cloud) or Full User entitlement (Qlik Data Integration) entitlements can:

  • Initiate an immediate data reload
  • Schedule reload tasks
  • Edit an existing reload task

 Administrators (Tenant Admins and Analytics Admins) can:

  • View reload tasks
  • Delete reload tasks
A default role for Reload Admins in Qlik Cloud is not available. Reload management is currently defined as specified above

For information on how to manage permissions in spaces, see: 

Managing permissions in shared spaces 
Managing permissions in managed spaces 


Users and Administrators in Qlik Sense Client Managed (On Windows)

Qlik Sense Users with the correct Security Rules applied can

  • Reload tasks from the Qlik Sense hub (August 2022 and later versions only)

 Administrators can:

  • Create new, edit and manage reload task schedules
  • Enable Reload Task Management from the hub for Qlik Sense users as needed (August 2022 and later versions only)


Reload Scenarios

Reloads are intended to refresh data in your analytics apps. Different scenarios may apply when setting up your reloads:

  • The data in the source file or database is invalid and has been updated in the source
  • The data in the source file or database has  been updated
  • Individual Fields in the source have been added or removed


General Reload Configuration Best Practices

Task Management Qlik Cloud

  • Analyzer Entitlement users do not have reload permissions
  • Professional and Full User entitlement users  have permissions to reload owned apps

Suggested Best Practice: Determine which users require app and reload permission and apply appropriate entitlements accordingly. See Managing permissions in shared spaces.

If you move an app between Spaces, the reload schedule schedule may be deleted.

Suggested Best Practice: use Application Automation to chain reload tasks. See Task chaining for details.


Task Management Qlik Sense on Premise (Windows)

  • Traditionally, Qlik Sense administrators were solely responsible for task reloads
  • From Qlik Sense August 2022, task reloads can be made available directly in the Qlik Sense hub
  • If a single user or a group of users require access to reloads from the Qlik Sense hub, the Qlik Sense administrator can configure rules which enable Reload Management from the Qlik Sense hub.

Suggested Best Practice: Enable reload management from the Qlik Sense hub (August 2022 and later versions only). For detailed information on how to to configure reload management, see Configure Reload Management from the Qlik Sense Hub.

Suggested Best Practice: Use Event Triggers to chain reload tasks. See Qlik Sense App Reloads for details.


Other Limitations and best practice workarounds


Reload Performance

The performance advice applies to both Qlik Cloud and Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows (on premise).

Best Performance: Partial Reload

General information: Partial Reload

  • Only data recently changed needs to be loaded. With large data sets the difference is significant.
  • Less memory is consumed, because less data is loaded
  • More reliable, because queries to source data run faster, reducing the risk of network problems
Setting up a Partial Reload in Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows:

See How to perform a partial reload in Qlik Sense On Premise.

Setting up Partial Reload in Qlik Cloud:

In both Managed and Shared spaces, Partial Reload can be scheduled in Qlik Cloud using the Reload Scheduler tool. Select the Partial Reload check box:

Partial Reload.png

For limitations around Partial Reloads, see Partial Reload Limitations.
When to use Partial Reload:
  • A specific subset of tables and or data in those tables change frequently
  • Most other tables in the source data are remain unchanged
  • A developer working on a project may want to see changes to tables they are adding or updating


Incremental Reload

General information: Incremental Reload

  • Qlik Sense loads all records inserted into the database or updated in the database after the last script execution
  • Better performance (faster) than a full reload. This mitigates performance degradation that might otherwise occur with a full reload while users are on the system
  • Loading new and updated records with incremental load

When to use Incremental Reload:

  • Tables and or their respective data are updated frequently
  • May be useful to schedule for a mid-day reload without the performance overhead of a full reload


Qlik Cloud Reload Analyzer

The app provides insights on:

  • Data connections and used files of each app’s most recent reload
  • Number of reloads by type (Scheduled, Hub, In App, API) and by user
  • Reload concurrency and peak reload RAM
  • Reload tasks and their respective statuses

The Reload Analyzer will help answer these questions and more!

Read about and Download: Qlik Cloud Reload Analyzer


Qllk Cloud Reload Limitations and Considerations

  • The reload schedule is turned off if it fails to execute five times in a row.
  • If you have a high number of queued and executing data reload processes (and additional concurrent CPU and memory intensive processes), you might notice that some reload processes execute, in some cases, noticeably after their scheduled start time.
  • Scheduled reloads are not included for the published copy of an app. Published apps must have scheduled reloads reconfigured on the app in the managed space.
  • If you move an app with a reload schedule between spaces, the reload schedule is deleted. Recreate the schedule in the new space if required.
  • If you add or remove datasets in an app with a When a dataset is refreshed schedule, you must remove the schedule and recreate it.
  • Partial reload is not supported for when a dataset is refreshed schedules.
  • For this and more see Reloading App Data


Related Content

Reloading app data - Qlik Cloud
Managing reload schedules - Qlik Cloud 
Task Chaining - Qlik Cloud
Create Reload Tasks - Qlik Sense Client Managed
Managing Tasks and Triggers - Qlik Sense Client Managed
Creating a Task Chain - Qlik Sense Client Managed 
Qlik Sense: Run reload tasks in QMC using API
Troubleshooting - Loading data

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Version history
Last update:
‎2024-01-17 11:43 AM
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