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Useful Qlik GeoAnalytics Server settings

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Useful Qlik GeoAnalytics Server settings

Last Update:

Jan 31, 2024 8:04:08 AM

Updated By:


Created date:

Mar 15, 2018 6:12:47 AM

This article provides useful settings for your Qlik GeoAnalytics server.



Increase max zip size of shapefile

Default limit: 150 MB

  1. Open and modify the GeoAnalyticsModule.xml configuration file in C:\ProgramData\Qlik GeoAnalytics Server\server3\modules\geoanalytics\config\GeoAnalyticsModule.xml


    Sets max shapefile zip to 1 GB, -1 = unlimited.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <GeoAnalyticsModule maxDefaultDatasetSize ="1073741824"/>

  2. Restart the module


Allow Qlik GeoAnalytics connector to reach local databases and files

You can configure Qlik GeoAnalytics to access local file systems (for reading shapefiles) as well as access GIS databases such as PostGIS.

GIS databases:

  1. Open and modify the GeoAnalyticsModule.xml in C:\ProgramData\Qlik GeoAnalytics Server\server3\modules\geoanalytics\config\GeoAnalyticsModule.xml


  2. Change enableDatabaseAccess to true


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <GeoAnalyticsModule enableDatabaseAccess="true"/>

    Any required database drivers should be installed in ProgramData/Qlik GeoAnalytics Server/server3/lib.

  3. Restart the server

Local files

Grant permissions to read local files to the keys. This is done by:

  1. To to the admin GUI > Access Module > Multialiases
  2. Select access:multi:GEOANALYTICSBASIC
  3. Click Add / Remove Services
  4. Find geoanalytics:datasets:localfile in the left pane, select it, press the >  button, then Done


Allow Qlik GeoAnalytics Server to access local image files

The server block per default requests (with 403) to the same machine or local network, resulting in "Blocked access to local network: ..." in the server log. 

  1. Open and modify the WebMap5Module.xml in C:\ProgramData\Qlik GeoAnalytics Server\server3\modules\webmap5\config\WebMap5Module.xml


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <WebMap5Module allowGetResourceLocal="true" />

  2. Restart the server


Force Qlik GeoAnalytics Server to set https as referal protocol

When doing port forwarding or using load balancers in front of the Qlik GeoAnalytics (QGA) server(s), it necessary to tell the QGA server to use https as the protocol in subsequent calls. The protocol behind the LB is normally http.

  1. Open and modify the WebMap5Module.xml in C:\ProgramData\Qlik GeoAnalytics Server\server3\modules\webmap5\config\WebMap5Module.xml

  2. Add forceSSL with a value of true


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <WebMap5Module forceSSL="true"/>

  3. Restart the server


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Creator II
Creator II

How would you combine the allowGetResourceLocal and forceSSL attributes in the same xml config file?

Would this work?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Do this instead:

<WebMap5Module forceSSL="true" allowGetResourceLocal="true" />

Thanks, Patric

Version history
Last update:
‎2024-01-31 08:04 AM
Updated by: