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I'm having a pretty basic issue that I'd really love a bit more flexibility in the automl application. for one experiement, I use zip code as a feature which Qlik interprets as numeric. This is not correct so before I try to train the model i tell Qlik that the field is categorical. in another case qlik interprets percent of purchases made in-person as a categorical field. this is also not correct so I respecify it into a numeric field. when I ask to run the experiment it tells me"AutoML could not convert PCT_IN_PERSON to numeric. Please start the experiment over or create a new experiment from the hub." How do I get around this? If I decide to not convert that field to numeric, and the experiment runs, I can't upload new data for the apply data and tell qlik to treat zip code as categorical. When I try to deploy the model with new data, there is no option to respecify the zip code field in the apply data set I upload, and the deployment fails. How do I get around this?
Is your file used for training a QVD? Regardless, make sure to check the data provided if all rows are numeric. Maybe there is one or more rows where data is text. For example, if the value is N/A. That might mess up the whole column type. You can also try in your script to specifically set to numeric and format it, using the Num() function.